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Stephanie Liu Welcome to another episode of Lights Camera Live. It's back-to-back episodes LCL. So, you basically get some extra TLC this week. Today, I have another amazing guest for you. You know how much I love this gal. I probably like attack her all the time - whenever I see her at conferences. Molley Mahoney! She's here, you guys! And, all the questions that I've ever had about freaking messenger marketing - I finally found the person to ask. So, Molly, are you good to go? You all set? Let's bring her on. Hey Molly. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome! How are you doing?
Molly Mahoney I'm so good. I love that as you're talking I'm doing all the face and hand motions even though I'm not on camera. It’s like I'm a muppet or something.
Stephanie Liu You're the Prepared Performer. That's how you get yourself hyped up, right?
Molly Mahoney I love it. I'm going to grab this link so I can share it again, which is so good. Oh my gosh, there's so much we can talk about and we've kind of narrowed it down to a few really important things, which I'm super excited about. And, I'm just ready.
Stephanie Liu Yes, yes, yes. So first off, let me tell you guys, if you have any questions about messenger marketing, now is the time to start posting them in the comments. I will tell you, having interviewed and been interviewed by Molly, we like to go down the rabbit hole sometimes. So the more - the more that you can ask us your questions, we could go ahead and leverage that time. So yeah, Molly, you went to many chat conventions, and how was that?
Molly Mahoney Okay, let's talk about this madness. So, I was honored to be able to speak not only on my own but also on a panel of amazing women in the messenger chat marketing space, which was so fun. I have to say, just being in this in this room with so many - I mean, there were hundreds and hundreds of marketers out there who are using messenger marketing. “Chat Marketing” is the new term that we're going to be using for this because the world has changed. The world of messenger marketing has changed. It was such a mind-blowing weekend. So much fun. And I'm just super stoked to be able to share every little nitty gritty detail.
Stephanie Liu So when you say that it's called chat marketing now, is that just for you and your agency? Because that's what you do or is that like in the whole industry as a discipline?
Molly Mahoney No, whole industry. So Mike Yang did his keynote, which was so amazing, and I bet there's a recording of it somewhere. But one of the main things that he talked about - it was actually really great the way that he told the story of how he started with building out Manychat. So, Manychat is our favorite tool for using messenger to building messenger bots. It's really the easiest, especially now after the changes that have happened there. It's the most all-encompassing, like it's the one that really is. There's no other choice as far as I'm concerned. I don't know if you use another bot.
Stephanie Liu I've only used Manychat because you showed it to me. Literally, Molly was the one that introduced me to it. So whenever I have questions about it, you know, she's definitely like my go to and as soon as I knew that you're going in conversations, I was like, okay, Molly is going to go ahead and be on the show and answer all my questions.
Molly Mahoney And I love that George's here. Can I just say, George is so awesome?! So I want to give a shout out to Kelly Mirabela as well who was the one who introduced me to using messenger bots with Facebook Live. I was already using Manychat, but I didn't really know what to do. Kelly introduced me to George, who took some seriously awesome photos of the event. George's an awesome marketer, but also like a seriously amazing photographer. If you need a photographer...
Stephanie Liu He is. He is. And yeah, and shout out to Kelly Mirabella too, because she does some kick-ass tutorials. She does like these ninja hacks email with her lives and I'm like, What the heck? You guys! This is the show if you know messenger marketing - Molly and Kelly are just like on a whole another level. They're on a different planet altogether. I'm just saying I need to go on my spaceship and figure out what's happening over there.
Molly Mahoney Okay. I want to talk about that for a second, too. And then, I'll come back to that Chat Marketing question. Sorry, I got excited about Georgia comments. So it can feel like -there's so many crazy things that you can do with chat marketing with messenger bots. I just want you to know that you don't need to do all of the crazy spaceship stuff. There are ways that we're going to talk about today, that will probably be more effective than taking a rocket ship. So Stephanie, stay on your planet. I'm gonna help you see.
Stephanie Liu Do I need a helmet for this? Okay, so why is it called “Chat Marketing”? I'm laughing right now because Chad was like - “Go ahead, Chad marketing”. I mean, I don't know. Yeah, “Chat marketing”. It wouldn't be nice Chad marketing, but chat marketing, for sure.
Molly Mahoney Okay, so let's go back to chat marketing really quickly. What happened at the conference is - Mike gave this awesome keynote where he was sharing his journey with bringing Manychat to life. He showed this awesome piece of paper where he had coined the term “Messenger Marketing”. You know, it was several years ago - he had this little piece of paper. By the end of it, he announced all of these changes. I got goosebumps as I'm thinking about it ‘cause it was so cool. He announced all of these updates, changes and things that are coming that are really solutions and answers to questions that people in the community have had. So, they've been so great at doing that. At the very end, they announced 18 new features within Manychat. 18! Seriously crazy! After that, he announced that they're going to be adding text messaging - and/or they already have added. I've already used it. So, text messaging and email marketing within Manychat? So this is what I was wanting to screenshare with you. So that you can show your side. You can pull up your Manychat account, so you can now build out a broadcast a message just like you would do in like MailChimp. You can build this out inside Manychat with your messenger broadcast. It can then lead to a text message broadcast and then lead to an email broadcast all within one flow.
Stephanie Liu That's insane! and you've already tested this out?
Molly Mahoney Yeah- I have - okay. So truth be told I haven't done the email one because I already have Convert Kit which integrates really well with Manychat. So, I haven't done that part yet because that might just be an extra complicated step. I don't need a rocket ship if my planet is working.
Stephanie Liu This planet will self-destruct. Okay. So where we can find that? Is it under growth tools?
Molly Mahoney No, it's actually in the broadcast. If you go to the broadcast, you can pull that up. I can walk you through it - we can just start right there. Also, there is this coolest thing - keep an eye on the video that they had - that little octopus logo. It was like “Manychat Messenger Marketing” - the octopus went and like, removed the word “Messenger” and changed it to “Chat marketing”. Like we are now in the era of chat marketing, so I'm trying to change that. All good.
Stephanie Liu Okay, so I loaded up Manychat in the background. And I went through the tools. Okay, so it's loading. It's so awesome.
Molly Mahoney So now you're in the Broadcast. So, for people who are watching this right now, we're going to cover this part, which might be a little Ninja. We're also going to talk about ways that you can use more human interaction to make your bot more effective. And, there's a couple of things that they switched. Just the two weeks since the conference, I have been using it every single day. And it's seriously awesome. So oftentimes, we think , “Oh, we've got to build out this big, huge automated thing”. But really, the smaller, more human - like more human touches - are the things that are actually going to bring in the biggest revenue and the biggest impact, so just keep that in mind. Okay, we'll be coming back to that.
Stephanie Liu Yeah. I feel like you whenever I have Molly on the show, she's just like, “Girl, we're gonna build this!” Okay, let me have my screen set up. Let's do this.
Molly Mahoney Let's begin. Totally build this part out right now. Like, let's do it! It's super fun. Let's do it. Okay, so actually, I forgot one piece before you get here. You have to actually turn it on in your settings. So you've got to go to the settings first and turn it on. So not the settings here. Sorry, settings and your whole bot. Go back over to the left-hand side. At the very bottom, I think you have to turn this option on. I think I haven't even done this in part. But I haven't even taught it in there yet, because I've only tried it a couple times on my side. I haven't even recorded a video for my team about it. Dude, Stephanie, this is how much I love you! I wanted to start this video by saying - Stephanie. I'm probably gonna cry when I talk about this. But there are so many people in our industry who are like, you are in the same space. I'm not going to tell you things. I'm just so grateful for you as a friend - as a human. You shared some things with me when you were over on the camera confidence live show that I've been using like every day. I finally figured some stuff out that I had been trying to figure out - weird little technical things. So I'm just so grateful for you.
Stephanie Liu I love you. People have said the same thing to me today. It was like: you guys both took that live video. Don't you guys compete? I'm like - “No, dude”. It's like, you got your Filipino spaghetti, right? Then, you got your regular spaghetti. Everyone has their different taste buds and so, you get to taste it up. But, let’s do this! You have Filipinos in your family. So, see we're all related. We're basically cousins, Molly. We're fam.
Molly Mahoney I totally forgot about this spaghetti analogy. Have you ever had Filipino spaghetti? Because when I was a kid, my best friends that lived on the street - they were Filipino and I used to have spaghetti at their house all the time. I was like 23 when I realized why I loved their grandma's spaghetti so much. It was because it had banana ketchup in it, which made it sweet.
Stephanie Liu
#bananaketchup - if you guys are tuning in, right
Molly Mahoney Now the lovey dovey stuff is over. Okay, so you got to turn it on. So you've got to look at the terms of service. I am not an expert in text messaging Terms of Service. So I have a client, Mary Mary Barnett. She is super awesome. She's been running a text message - just like a mobile marketing business - and she does all this stuff with text messaging. I've told her - “Mary, you need to put together a lead magnet on the compliance rules for text message”. So she's gonna be doing that. So if you want that, we can get it from her. Just say the word “Mary” below this video and I'll have her come talk to you - because she knows.
Stephanie Liu I'm going to tag her and she's gonna get all these things. Okay? Cool.
Molly Mahoney So scroll down - except I have no idea what it says but I just accepted it.
Stephanie Liu I gave away my second child. Okay. All right, here we go.
Molly Mahoney Okay, so now we are here so let's go back to the broadcast now. Oh yeah, maybe you have to do that.
Stephanie Liu Okay, I did this - will change the screen then. Hi! Say something Molly because no one has to know my phone number. I don't even remember what it did there. It says your phone numbers are shown below. I got it. Okay cool. So now - your actual phone number. What's that song? 867 5309 Okay. SMS messages. Cool beans. We're here now - go back to growth tools.
Molly Mahoney Now go back to broadcast. Stephanie Liu I want to hug your brain right now.
Molly Mahoney It’s gonna be fun. I'm so excited. Okay, so now we're here. So what we're going to do is - there's a couple different things. So I'll show you the way. Go over to the side where that little box is...
Stephanie Liu Which box?
Molly Mahoney Actually, let's start here - start at the beginning. Sorry, let's start at the very beginning. So right here in this messenger - little box. This is a message that you're going to send out. You're actually going to put in a user input box. Have you done that before? So, if you scroll down to the bottom, add that user input. Yeah. Delete the top text box. Yeah, you don't need that. So we're going to send this out and we're going to say like:
Stephanie Liu Wait, wait. Okay, what am I doing?
Molly Mahoney You don't have to actually send it out. You can say like - What's your bots name?
Stephanie Liu Robosteph.
Molly Mahoney Perfect. So you can say like - “Hey! < first name>”.
Stephanie Liu You could tell that I haven't done this for a while.
Molly Mahoney Right? This is perfect. This is proving how anybody can do it right? And then, I'm like, “Yeah, perfect!” Down. Another ‘Enter’ to the next paragraph. And then, you're gonna say something like “Robosteph here” with a crazy... “Stephanie has sent me. Stephanie sent me to share a crazy new opportunity for you.”
Stephanie Liu I feel like - “Stephanie from Captain - Captain America wanted me to send this over to you”. Okay, cool.
Molly Mahoney Make it all crazy, right? There are other ways to you can put all kinds of emojis and make it really fun - but just for the purpose of this - “You've requested messenger reminders for our Lights Camera Live Show. We know, you don't want to miss the chance to join us live. So, we are now giving you the opportunity to be reminded via text message”. Can you imagine? So, we're not giving you the opportunity. Okay, well for me when I send out this type of message - it was included in one of my messenger broadcasts that I send out - I was amazed by the amount of people that actually opted in for text messaging. I don't know why. I thought people were going to think it was annoying, but we had such a high percentage of people say “yes” to being reminded via text. It was so cool.
Stephanie Liu You know - I miss text message. And I missed like old school conversations. I just like you know, you guys.
Molly Mahoney Okay, well, what's really good with this though, is that I get text messages from some businesses that drive me bonkers because they're so fake and phony. For us, what we are doing is we're making sure we're speaking in our bot’s voice. We're making it fun. We're being honest. We're not pretending like it's a human. So those are things that are really important.
Stephanie Liu That's true. No phony mahoney you guys! This is the real deal. I love how you fall off the screen sometimes. I'm like right now - let's just go.
Molly Mahoney Okay, I just got a standing desk. So, this is my only my second time using it. My light is not positioned properly because you can see how - I gotta raise my light higher but I'm like -
Stephanie Liu Jen Herman with her glasses… Where she just tilt it down a little bit and then it won't have that glare. Like that's her trick.
Molly Mahoney Oh my gosh, that's a really good one! My trick is usually - Put the light higher, but I forgot to change it when I do. Here, perfect!
Stephanie Liu This is like two girlfriends pretty much catching up and nerding out. Now, back to the nitty gritty.
Molly Mahoney Here we go. I'm taking my glasses off. Okay, so now at this point what you're going to do is you're going to ask them to put their email, or their phone number in this little bobber. You’ll say - You could say: “Now, we are giving you the opportunity to remind you via text message”. I would do #textmemaybe. Text me maybe.
Stephanie Liu I want to get - in trouble. Now my husband's like - “What are you doing right now?” Okay, text me maybe. Okay, cool.
Molly Mahoney And then - “All you have to do is click on or type in your phone number below”. We have a really pretty international community. So, we do need to remind them that it's US only right now, which is kind of a bummer.
Stephanie Liu Can you filter this by US only people?
Molly Mahoney You totally can. I'll have you do it. All you have to do is type. So, I would say - “All you have to do is click on or type in your phone number below”. I'm getting a phone call from somebody right now. That is - somebody I've been trying to talk for literally three years now. She's my ballet teacher, and she's like, 75 or something. We got blocked from each other on Facebook somehow. It's the saddest thing in my life, and she keeps commenting on my business page, but for some reason, I can't respond to her stuff on her personal page. So finally, on my business page yesterday, I was like - Helen, will you call me on my business page? I put my phone number there and it works!
Stephanie Liu Oh, that's so cute! The magic that happens…
Molly Mahoney Okay, go back to focus! Focus Mahoney! Sorry. It's going to auto generate the phone number that Facebook has associated with your account. So it'll actually pop it up where they can just click on it, but if that's not the right number, then they can type one in. Okay, “click on” or “type in your phone number” is how we word it. Usually it's kind of tricky, but just to make sure they know. Yeah. Okay, perfect. Okay, so now scroll down on where it says text on the right-hand side. Click on that. And then, select phone for SMS. Perfect. Wow, awesome. And then, it's so good. Oh, so you can have right here - say in the retry message. That's where that's empty. And in the retry message say - “Please, be sure to use this format”. And then, we'll show the format that you need to use, which is - that plus one. Let me make sure they have it. There's no parentheses. It's just like, on mine. I did like 1112223333. Maybe I did one. Sorry. 1222 Let me look at it really quickly to make sure I have it right. I know it's got to be the same. It has to be in the US phone number format.
Stephanie Liu So plus 12223333.
Molly Mahoney No, because it needs the area code. So two to three numbers - need to be 333 and then a 444 and then a - Stephanie Liu Shoutout to Murray to Han Daniels! She says that those typing skills are mad fast. Hey, this is all about the Oregon Trail generation. I don't know if you guys remember that. Back in the day, when we had to type and learn the QWERTY keyboard. So, I got you!
Molly Mahoney Wait, and then also on here, no dashes. It's no doubt, no dashes. I'm pulling it up just to make sure. I've done it a couple times now, but I just wanna make sure...
Stephanie Liu So, do you have to put right plus in front of the one?
Molly Mahoney Hold, please. Because I will tell you in a moment.
Stephanie Liu PS. By the way, if you guys are digging this right now, go ahead and show Molly some love because she's going all out. I was not expecting this. I was like - three questions were good. But she's like, no.
Molly Mahoney Like, let's do it. So you can actually do it. So, the plus one, and then the numbers all together. So, no spaces or dashes. Cool. Yep. Just like that. Okay, awesome. So, then scroll down a little bit so I can see what's next on there, because there's another thing you have to do at the book. So click on the free... Right there. Okay. So, the “Perform Actions” - click on that. And this part was a little tricky because I was expecting... Now you're gonna click on the “Action”. I was thinking that we'd be we would be putting this into a regular custom field, but we're not. So scroll down a little bit. So you want to click “Set Custom Field.” It's actually a little different than when I first did it. Yeah, do that “Set Custom Field”, because it needs to be into the bot custom field. So select that. Let's see if this actually works. Yeah, try this because you have to have it in the bot custom field. But maybe, they've changed it now. You can actually put it into both custom fields - so I would just put SMS phone. Yeah, when I did it - honestly, there was no… There was no phone. SMS phone is an option. Earlier, it was not there when I set it up. User field SMS. And then, change text to “Go Click” where it says text, and change that to number. Then, you can create. Then, we're gonna do one more thing - add an action. You're going to scroll down. It says opt in for SMS. And this is important - they have to be tagged as opting in for SMS. So on mine, I did something to get them to actually confirm it. I'm just going to check one little thing on my side because like I said, one thing was a little bit different on yours. But let's keep going. Okay, so then after this, you're gonna say another message. That's like - “Thank you so much” to confirm. Oh, sorry, I'm not looking at your screen. Yeah, go back. If you just click on it - click on “Robosteph here”. Yeah, that's perfect. Scroll down. And now, you're going to put another text box underneath there. You're going to say, something like, “Thank you” or “congrats”, or whatever. Use some sort of explanation of joy. Woohoo! Say: “To confirm that this is actually working. It's a brand new technology.” Something like that. You know, you can say something funny like, “We're using our rocket ship powers”.
Stephanie Liu You haven’t heard it, but I totally snorted. I'd knocked over my deck. This a brand new technology.
Molly Mahoney All right. Okay, so let me just tell you on mine when I did it. I just selected “phone”. I didn't select phone for SMS. So, I had to save it to a specific custom field. But, with this one... The way that we just did it right now -it's actually better. They made it even better. So look at that - Manychat making it even cooler. So, what we did is right. This is working. “This is a brand new technology” - perfect. Then, just add another paragraph and say, “Please click the button below. I'm going to send you a special gift as a thank you for being a member of our community”. Something like that. I never knew how much I'd be into copywriting - which is so weird, right? Okay, so now this is where it gets so cool. What you're going to do is - you're going to click the “Add” button, and then you're going to do two things: You're going to send them a message inside messenger. That's like: “Great, go check your text message”. And then, I'm going to show you how you're going to connect it to the text message, and it's gonna blow your mind.
Stephanie Liu I feel like I need two cups of coffee for this. I was not prepared - I usually have a show at like, two o'clock!
Molly Mahoney Leftover from yesterday. I just hadn't thrown it away yet.
Stephanie Liu Oh, that's totally me sometimes. Totally guilty. Have you ever tasted yesterday's coffee?
Molly Mahoney It’s happened to me once and it was the worst ever. I can't believe I put these two together on the shelf! Okay, so then - just put something like “Confirm” and an emoji, or something in the button.
Stephanie Liu Confirm as a button title?
Molly Mahoney Okay. Yep. And then, put an emoji there to make it more fun and clickable. You know, that little circle guy? Okay, and then “Send Message”. Awesome. So then, click on the “Send Message” thing. Wait, hold on. I can't see your screen. Can you scroll? That's okay, that's fine. We'll fix it later. I can only see a part of your screen but this is perfect. So then, say something like “Yeah! Go check your text message” or “Go check your texts”, or something. “I sent you a text” or something like that.
Stephanie Liu This does not sound good.
Molly Mahoney “Go check your phone. I sent you a message”, or something like that. Okay, cool. Next. Perfect. So now scroll down a little bit, so I can remember exactly what we do next. But there's a little button that you're going to click that continues to another step, which is so cool.
Stephanie Liu Do I go back?
Molly Mahoney No. I can only see the part of your screen now. Can you make your screen wider? I don't know why I can't see the whole thing.
Stephanie Liu Okay, my Stream Labs just worked, Molly. Do you see this? Did you see that one? So it says somebody just clapped on the show.
Molly Mahoney Yeah, just like the show?
Stephanie Liu I just integrated Stream Labs. That’s is so good.
Molly Mahoney Does it work with any live video? Or, is it just working with Ecamm?
Stephanie Liu It's on Ecamm and they integrated the Stream Lab widgets. So ,if anyone likes or shares your show or down the line - Molly Mahoney That is amazing. So, this is a specific integration with Ecamm. How does it work?
Stephanie Liu See? This is the rabbit hole. We don't take that.
Molly Mahoney Okay, okay. I can wait. Okay, so let me go back to this broadcast. I just couldn't see your whole screen. So, I can't tell you where to click the button. But there's a little button that says “Continue” to another step.
Stephanie Liu I found it. It's on the very bottom. I found it. Okay, I got it.
Molly Mahoney I knew it was at the bottom. I just didn't see it. Then, this is where you're going to choose the text message. So if you scroll down, it should say “Send SMS”. I love that. I've only done this like twice and I already remember where everything is - even though I can't see it.
Stephanie Liu You know what I could do? I got a nice lower third. Boom! I took it off. There you go.
Molly Mahoney Okay, cool. Awesome. So then now, if you scroll down where it says “Send SMS” - You're actually going to create the text message right here. That message is going to be sent to them.
Stephanie Liu How do I do that?
Molly Mahoney It's so cool. Scroll down a little bit so we can see the whole screen. Stephanie Liu That's that. That's my very bottom. So it goes - “Send SMS”. Oh, you got to click on it.
Molly Mahoney Perfect. I think if you zoom out, you'll be able to see more of it because in the flow, it's zoomed in a little bit. You're using the Flow Builder. Just zoom out a little bit - like that. Yeah.
Stephanie Liu It's like I'm learning how to walk for the first time. I love it. Okay, got it.
Molly Mahoney Okay, so now in this little box in the left hand side. It actually will send them a text message.
Stephanie Liu I have your number.
Molly Mahoney Okay, and then so if you have a link to a free gift or something - I would just include it right there. “As a thank you, go check out this video of Molly and I creating this so you can do it yourself”.
Stephanie Liu Watch this amazing tutorial - the cousins, Molly and Stephanie have put together.
Molly Mahoney Okay, go. Yeah, okay, cool. Then, you would just literally put the link for the video right there and it will actually shorten the link n the Broadcast. Now, here's the only thing that I’m a bit iffy about is that there are - I've seen it. It has an option for a button, but I haven't been able to figure out if we can actually track clicks. Because on mine, it's not tracking clicks even though I've clicked it. So I've got to do a little more investigating there. I know Kelly's been testing it a bunch, too. Kelly had everybody who opted in in one thread. They say something like giving feedback because it's hard to track. But at this point, whatever, it’s still cool. So now, I want to preview it to test it for yourself. Try hitting preview. . Make sure that you are opted in for SMS and that your phone number is in the system.
Stephanie Liu Okay, wait - what do you mean preview?
Molly Mahoney Oh, I'm on the top right underneath my face. There's a little thing that says “Preview”.
Stephanie Liu Oh, sorry. I have all my ATM stuff floating about. Whoops, my bad. What did I do? Oh, wait a second. I did something in Ecamm. There you are. Okay, so let me move this and then I gotta go to preview. Oh, I see what it's doing.
Molly Mahoney All right, we see your desktop again. I know that's okay. That's fine. I've heard that that's the best way to get people to pay for it - is to show it should be right on the top right.
Stephanie Liu Got it. Okay, so I hit “Preview”.
Molly Mahoney So, this part was confusing to me when it said it you have set SMS. That was the part that I went to go check on. So this part is weird how it says “unknown”. Can you click on “unknown” right there? I was wondering because it looks like a red flag because it's red. Click on the word unknown.
Stephanie Liu Yep.
Molly Mahoney Set number two - click on that. Nothing, don't do that. Okay, let's just remove that action. That's weird. So scroll over that action and delete it.
Stephanie Liu That was that - one was for the custom field. FYI. Molly Mahoney So yeah - delete that. I think because we were able to set it to phone SMS, it'll actually save that to the custom field right there. Mackenzie Lieberman, I don't know if you know her, but she is so amazing. She was telling me that what she's actually done is that she's created - If you want to see the crazy, it might be too complicated. She created a connection to a Google Sheet. So it also puts everyone's phone number into a Google Sheet automatically. And then, that Google Sheet links back to Manychat to put it into a separate custom field.
Stephanie Liu What?
Molly Mahoney Yeah, sI'll do another video on that some other time, because it's actually not that hard. From here, it might be a little crazy, because we have to connect it to your Gmail. I don't know if it's connected to your Google Sheets. Okay, don't worry about it. Go for it. I did. Okay. So here let's just keep it out. So now try “Preview” again.
Stephanie Liu It says, “Preview message sent. Check your messenger. This message was sent only to you”.
Molly Mahoney It's cool as you do it, you're going to put your phone number in. It's also going to opt you into text messaging and you're going to get that text message.
Stephanie Liu Okay, I just wanted to show it to you. Can you see it? There's my text message from Robosteph. It’s so weird, like Robosteph is talking back to me.
Molly Mahoney That’s your messenger message, right? Via messenger? So when you do that, you go through, and put your phone number - it will actually send you the text also.
Stephanie Liu It did. Okay, then confirm. Oh, shoot! I should have plugged in my phone so you could have seen it in action. I don't know where my charger is, though. But yeah, it's totally fine. Okay, it says: “Hey, go check your phone. I just sent you a text.” Why am I making myself laugh with my own text messages? Bwahahaha! I got your phone number. This is what happens when you have Starbucks in the morning, and you have Molly.
Molly Mahoney Success, though, is when you realize your own text messages make you laugh.
Stephanie Liu Can I put gifs in there?
Molly Mahoney Um, I don't know if you can in the text part. I'm still playing with the media aspect of it. So, I'm a little unsure about, but it's pretty dang cool. Like I said, I've sent one that was like this. We had a masterclass yesterday. I sent it as text message reminders for the masterclass, which I was so stoked about because we've been doing email and messenger reminders. But to be able to do text reminders so easily is so cool. So, okay, that's like our first mind-blowing thing.
Stephanie Liu I still have goosebumps. I want to step this up a little bit.
Molly Mahoney I think we actually bask in the glory. Do we have questions about this part?
Stephanie Liu We actually had Jocelyn who said that she was in your masterclass? Oh, sorry. Not that one. She said that she was in your masterclass yesterday and they loved it. So that was good.
Molly Mahoney Yes! So good! I should pull this up on my phone so I can see the comments. What planet do I live on? I do. I always do that. I don't know why I didn't do it today. Oh my gosh. I know Jocelyn. I had forgotten to add her to the Facebook group for like 24 hours but I did it. Thank you. Jocelyn. You are awesome. I'm so blessed.
Stephanie Liu Is Manychat going to give you any analytics? Messages? Delivered messages? Opened messages? Any of that back end data?
Molly Mahoney That's what I need to figure out, because right now it just says how many have been sent. But, we haven't seen how many are clicked on or any of that. I'm not sure. Know what I should have done? Genius over here. We should be using a UTM code.
Stephanie Liu Well, that's actually what I thought you were reading. You're saying that Manychat would give you a shortened link? So basically, you do your own shortened link with the UTM parameters, and you'll be cool?
Molly Mahoney Well, that would work. But even if you use a long UTM - Just let me show you. Stephanie Liu A UTM - for those of you that are wondering - UTM stands for...
Molly Mahoney Urchin Tracking Methods. It’s something super weird. It has nothing to do with what it actually is. Urchin was the company that Google bought or something before Google came about back in the day. So a UTM is a little piece of code that you put on the end of your link that tells you exactly where it came from. This is something we keep talking about. I just go too fast, and then I don't do it, but I should have linked on me.
Stephanie Liu Yeah, it’s like a link DNA.
Molly Mahoney Yeah, so it's almost like an affiliate link. Remember how it has that little code at the end? It's similar to that. Look at this. I don't know if you can see on my phone. It says like, the link says manychat says “m n ch”. Then, it has that little stuff after it that was actually a longer link. So I'm hoping that there's got to be a way since Manychat is using that link. There's got to be a way to track that. But I haven't figured that out yet.
Stephanie Liu You're saying - if you did your own UTM parameters on a link and then you just drop it in there, Manychat will go and shorten it for you?
Molly Mahoney Yes, yeah. So it'll be shorter. Another thing that you can do, which I haven't done is - Notice that flow that you had there? It has one. So, if you scroll down when they click Confirm, it sends that text message. So go to the app, click on the actual text message box. Click on the actual text message box.
Stephanie Liu Okay, click on the text message box. Oh, there it is! A message. Yeah. So click on send SMS at the very bottom.
Molly Mahoney So from here, continue to another step. So see at the bottom where it says continue to another step? Click on that. I didn't do this part, but I think you can have it send a message again automatically.
Stephanie Liu In messenger?
Molly Mahoney So yeah. You can be like: “Thanks for checking your text message”. I haven't done that part yet, but maybe that's the way we can get them back. I don't know if this would work, but try putting a delay. So see that little delay?Try putting it above that message. So that it doesn't happen all at the same exact time. The cool thing with the delay, is that it looks like they're actually typing. Try the preview again and see if that works. I think it should send you another message once you check the text message. Okay, one second. I was trying to not go to rocket ship. The first time I tried it - I didn't want to mess everything up because it was actually a real masterclass.
Stephanie Liu No, that's cool. So, I did get it on my phone to the preview.
Molly Mahoney It's cool. Can you just click on your number, right?
Stephanie Liu Yeah, it makes it easy. It's super easy. Yeah. Oh, wow. Haha. Got your phone number. Yeah, you did it.
Molly Mahoney Okay, and then, we count to three. Do you get another message?
Stephanie Liu Yeah, it just says: “Great! Thanks for giving me your number.” I was waiting for the little typing… the pretending...
Molly Mahoney Works. So, maybe that means they got it. I don't know. Pretty cool. That was right.
Stephanie Liu You guys. This is 40 minutes. Awesome. If you guys ever wanted to learn more about this: Molly where's the best place for them to find you?
Molly Mahoney Yeah, just head over to it takes you to a video that is a great way to learn more stuff about Facebook Live. If you want to meet Mollybot, just go to the You can meet her there, which is really good. I might already have this built - I can't remember but I might have a keyword for you already. I think we might have a free gift from Stephanie if you go over and type in the word Stephanie. Then, it'll tell me that you came here because Stephanie sent you, which would be cool.
Stephanie Liu I have one last question for you because robos has been in hibernation since the whole subscription thing that went out. When you and I first connected about connecting a Facebook Live to a chat, I messaged out to people and I would say, hey, Lights Camera Live is on. Go ahead and join now. Then came the whole tag. So I haven't done anything with it.
Molly Mahoney I'm gonna change your life right now.
Stephanie Liu Okay, yes, please.
Molly Mahoney I'm gonna change your life. Actually, I have realized - I do have a keyword which is Stephanie. So if you go and send me the message, “Stephanie”, you'll get access to the live video that we did on my business page. We’ll send it to you, which will be so cool. So that'd be fun. All right. Kelly and I have had discussions about this, and I even shared our discussions on stage at the Manychat conference. Kelly does not necessarily agree with me on this, but I would put my hand on a Bible and say this is true. So I firmly believe in what I'm going to tell you right now. Let's actually go to the next step of this. So pull up your Broadcast to finalize what we just did.
Stephanie Liu Okay, so go to Broadcast.
Molly Mahoney I see where you are. Okay, here and then click the Next button which is right next to the Preview button. Facebook changed the rules about how we're allowed to send out Broadcasts. So, from right now, I believe until the end of the year, we are still able to send anything we want if they've interacted within 24 hours. We can send one follow-up message after the 24-hour period, that can be promotional. Okay, so that's still the case for the rest of the year. So just know you're still able to do that. But the problem is, they're switching this up that you will only be able to send messages within 24 hours - a 24-hour window - unless you use a sponsored message, which is a paid message. It’s kind of tricky. We've been playing with them, and they're not the best because they're not time-specific. So, if you're using it for a Facebook Live, it will not work because they could get it two days later.
Stephanie Liu That's a bummer.
Molly Mahoney It’s like you're creating a Facebook ad. But there are ways that you can do it. You just don't want to be time-sensitive. If you scroll up, the other option is when you click “non-promotional content”. And then, select tag. Confirm event reminder. So this, and the way that I see it is the people who have opted in to my messenger bot have confirmed they want to be reminded when I go live. When I send my message, I say: “You are getting this message because you confirmed that you wanted to be reminded about my live videos when you opted in. If you don't, click “No” reminders”. I give them the chance to say “no”.
Stephanie Liu That's the only reason I've ever used Robosteph. It was just for the show. I didn't do any other “Outer Space” stuff. I was like: this is the one time I'll only use it. Because of that announcement back in July, I was like, all right, well, I don't need Manychat because I can't use it. Then, after conversations in the SMS stuff - There's more things that I can do with it so I'll have it stick around. You haven't heard anyone actually get in trouble with their pages?
Molly Mahoney Never heard anyone get in trouble with the confirmed event reminder I have. We did a while a long time ago. We had someone get in trouble because before we started building bots for her, somebody else was and they were sending loads of promotional messages, but which were not legal. But even in that case, they didn't shut her down. They just sent her a warning that said: you're not following the rules. Please explain to us that you understand the rules and you're not going to break them in the future.
Stephanie Liu And that was from Facebook itself?
Molly Mahoney Yep. From Facebook itself.
Stephanie Liu Was it just a message? Or did someone actually called her?
Molly Mahoney No, it was an email that was like - hey, this is a slap on the hand. Fix this. There was not even any Facebook Jail, or like pausing of the use of it. This is like some kind of unchartered territory, which is why it's working so well. We are among the few who are actually doing it.
Stephanie Liu That's the only reason why I have that little chat bot show up on It says: let us know if you want to be notified the next time. That’s related, and that's the only time I use it.
Molly Mahoney You're super safe. Okay, you're super safe. Just like with anything, always give them a chance to say they don't want it anymore. So they don't report it as a spammy message or something.
Stephanie Liu Got it. Cool. Molly, this is amazing. I'll give you the transcript. This is your tutorial already. Boom. You could just do the voiceover and then just speed up my slow-clicking. Shoutout to Craig who has been paying attention very intently. As soon as we started talking about the confirmed event reminder, he's like - I am here! I am so here for this. Listening. I am listening. George absolutely loves you. He says, Molly is singing jazz to me right now. Thanks, Mollybot.
Molly Mahoney Mollybot. Oh my gosh. That's right. If you go to Mollybot, she gives you three options: you can learn about Facebook Live, you can learn about messenger bots, or you can go and listen to my jazz band.
Stephanie Liu I'm now actually looking at the comments, you guys. So, if you've been typing comments in here and you want to resurface, by all means, go ahead and do that! Because I was playing Oregon Trail with Molly, which is by the way, we should totally have. Let’s have a whole day and play a game together so...
Molly Mahoney It stopped working that night. I went to do games on my computer with the kids and it stopped working. I was super mad. I think it's probably because I I actually played games and it didn't work. Maybe I was tricking the system for a couple days. So, this is what I told Frank - my son, my oldest son - in the car this morning. I said: Saturday and Sunday, we're going to have video game day with mom and we'll play video games. I honestly think I'm going to start a Facebook group for entrepreneur games or something - like games for entrepreneurs... We can all talk about how to do it. Really, the only reason I'm doing this is because I want to unlock the other magical things on Facebook. But, it's important to play and have fun. Then, we can have like Tetris tournaments...
Stephanie Liu Tetris tournaments - sponsored by the cousins. No, I think that's a really brilliant. I do. About the whole Oculus Connect Conference that just happened... I have my eyes from Facebook FA and I know I actually know how to connect to my VR headset to Ecamm to livestream what I do in my VR headset.
Molly Mahoney I have seen Joel do it a long time ago. But let's have like a play day where we do that retooling? We're so close. We need to just do it.
Stephanie Liu I'll bring my little four-year-old over and then, we'll have like this whole game day.
Molly Mahoney So good. I love it.
Stephanie Liu Marie says that she is so down for the Tetris tournament. She also PR, by the way. So, if you ever need someone to promote the Tetris tournament of the cousins... Good, good. Good. All right Molly. It's been 48 minutes, and you've been absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for just being so open and willing to share all this information with us. You guys, again! Love Molly. Love Molly. Love banana ketchup.
Molly Mahoney This is just like scratching the surface because there were 18 other updates announced. So just be prepared that when you start playing in this world remember that there’s so much magic. It's so cool.
Stephanie Liu Should they follow Camera Confidence Coach for all those updates? How do I learn about the bot stuff?
Molly Mahoney If you go to the, you'll be opted in for the reminders and all of that. We're going to be doing so much about it because there's so much to cover - that we've got lots of updates coming. So, it's pretty awesome.
Stephanie Liu That’s where I'll be hanging out. Thanks, George.
Molly Mahoney Right there. Mollybot will keep you informed.
Stephanie Liu I love it. I love it. All right, you guys, thank you so much for hanging out with Molly and I. Obviously the replay is here. So you could go ahead and watch the replay, host a watch party in your groups, and follow along together. And again, if you have any other questions - just right there. Right there. There's the link. But there's also George, free promotion. All right, everyone, Molly - any last words?
Molly Mahoney Um, no. Just remember that the most important thing is that you're actually going in there and talking to people as a human also. We did not talk about brussels sprouts today, Chad, but I did eat brussels sprouts yesterday after my masterclass because I had them leftover. They're really good.
Stephanie Liu So, you’re saying yes to brussels sprouts - yes? Because, I say yes.
Molly Mahoney I say yes, too. Let's wrap this up with brussels sprouts. Yes or no? Let us know.
Stephanie Liu Let us know. Let Chad know, too. All right, you guys
Molly Mahoney What about brussels sprouts with banana ketchup?
Stephanie Liu I think if you were oven-roasted it, it would have a new flavor.
Molly Mahoney Yeah, so we can even do roasted brussels sprouts, and use the banana ketchup as a dip.
Stephanie Liu Seriously, if you and I were neighbors? We would be ridiculous.
Molly Mahoney Such trouble, guys. I love it. Thank you for letting me come on and nerd out. I love being able to dive into the nitty gritty, so good.
Stephanie Liu All right, you guys, thank you very much. Give it up for Molly! Bye
Have you tried messenger marketing for your business?
If you haven’t, you’re seriously missing out. Messenger marketing could be the next big thing!
But we’ve got you covered.
In today’s episode, Molly Mahoney - aka the Prepared Performer, aka the Camera Confidence Coach, aka Facebook Live Ninja - will be joining us for another fun and exciting episode of Lights, Camera, Live.
For starters, Molly will be sharing with us exciting Manychat updates that you will first hear in LCL.
Here’s a hint: Manychat has released 18 new features. Molly will cover two of these new features thoroughly. She will even show you how to do them from scratch!
So, grab your pen and paper, sip your coffee, and sit back and relax.
How to set up your first Manychat Text Message Broadcast
How to send out promotional messages to your audience without getting in trouble
How to create engaging bot messages for your audiences
For most people, there’s never a dull moment whenever Molly Mahoney is around. She could light up the whole room with her vibrant energy and contagious enthusiasm.
In the digital marketing world, Molly is known by many names: as the Camera Confidence Coach, the Prepared Performer, and the Facebook Live Ninja - to name a few. But, she is known to many as a marketer who inspires and educates business owners to step up their game with more clarity and confidence.
What is Chat Marketing?
Molly first heard of the term “Messenger Marketing” in a keynote delivered by Mike Yang, the CEO of Manychat. Manychat is popular in the digital world as a messenger bot builder.
Molly, who has been in the Messenger Chat Marketing Space for quite some time now, acknowledged that thousands of marketers who use Messenger Marketing through Manychat. However, for Molly, and most messenger marketers, the world is constantly changing and evolving. The Messenger Marketing niche, for instance, now has a sub-niche, known as “Chat Marketing.”
But there’s more to that - Manychat is evolving, too.
Recently, the people behind Manychat announced that they had launched eighteen (18) new features that could be the solutions to most Messenger Marketing concerns. What’s even more fascinating is that - these features are built-in Manychat - to include text messaging and email marketing broadcasts. This is big as this means that marketers can now build their messenger, text, and email broadcasts in Manychat - all within one flow.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
“The most important thing you have to remember is to go in there and talk to people as a human being.”
Have you tested the new features out? Where can we find them?
Molly admitted that she hasn’t tried the email feature just yet, because her current software integrates well with Manychat. She emphasized that she didn’t need the extra step - at least for now.
As for the other features, users can find them in Manychat’s Broadcast section.
“You should keep an eye out on that video they had - that the little octopus logo, which says ‘Manychat Messenger Marketing.’ It transforms into ‘Chat Marketing,’ Molly described.
As of now, Molly isn’t quite sure if users could add some gifs on the text message part, but she said that she’s still playing with the media aspect of the new features.
Also, one of Manychat’s excellent new features enabled her to send text messages and email reminders for her upcoming masterclass.
“It was mind-blowing!” Molly exclaimed.
Currently, Manychat’s text message broadcast can only be used within the US. However, Manychat has a US-only filter, which is super helpful, especially if you have an international community.
Note: For now you can access SMS only if you are in the United States or Canada, or your customers are from there. As for the other countries, there's no ETA for now, but ManyChat is working on finding it out. See for more details.
How can I send text messages through Manychat?
Here’s how you can get started:
Login to your Manychat account
Go to Settings -> SMS tab, then activate SMS integration
Read the Terms of Text Message Terms of Service and click “Agree”
Click “Get Phone Number”, and input your phone number using either of the two formats: +12345678901 or 12345678901
Add text message to Flows. Add blocks the way you usually do with messenger blocks. When adding text message blocks, keep in mind the following:
Each text message has a 160 max character count.
Links shall be automatically shortened.
To send bulk SMS broadcasts, go to Broadcasting → Broadcasts
Click on the ‘+ New Broadcast’ button and select a channel.
You may use SMS or Multiple Channels option, depending on your preference.
Once the correct settings are in place, click on the “Send” button.
Is Manychat going to give you any analytics?
Molly admitted that she still needs to figure this part out. As of now, Manychat only shows how many messages she had sent out. It doesn’t show if any of these messages have been clicked or opened.
Have you heard of anyone get in trouble with their Pages?
Molly didn’t think so, at least not with the confirmed event reminders she sent out to her audience.
She recalled that they knew of a client who got into trouble. This happened long before Molly and her team started building bots for her. That particular client was in a tough situation - somebody else was managing her account. That time, the client’s account had been sending loads of promotional messages - a lot of which were sent out illegally.
Despite the scale of this violation, Facebook only sent out a warning, through an email, asking that same client not to do the illegal stuff again. Facebook didn’t even suspend her account.
Molly thinks that Messenger Marketing Space is uncharted territory, and there are very few who do it. It’s probably the reason why the whole Messaging and Chat Marketing is working so well.
“Recently, Facebook changed the rules on how marketers are now allowed to send out Broadcasts,'' Molly added.
She explained that if an audience interacts with your Broadcast, you are only allowed to send messages within 24 hours. You may still send out messages after that 24-hour window if you use a sponsored message - a paid Facebook service. However, Molly discourages using it if you’re doing Facebook Lives because sponsored messages are not time-specific.
“If you use a sponsored message to announce a Facebook Live, for instance,” Molly explained, “you might get frustrated because your audience might receive your reminder two days after the show. Creating sponsored messages are like creating Facebook ads. There are so many ways you could make them work. The only setback is that - it’s not time-sensitive. Also, don’t forget to give your readers an option to opt-out of your broadcasts.”
If I want to learn more about the bot stuff, where is the best place to find you?
If you’d like to learn more about Facebook live, head over to
If you are interested in meeting Mollybot, go to the Don’t forget to enter the keyword “Stephanie” - because we will give you a gift. You’ll also receive reminders from us. For starters, Molly and the rest of the team will be covering lots of updates, including the 18 new features recently launched by Manychat.
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