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Stephanie Liu Hey, what's up, you guys? It's Stephanie Liu and welcome to a new episode of Lights Camera Live. Today we're talking about the Future Of Chat Marketing and why you should start using chatbots in your marketing in 2020. And, there's no other guy that I'd love to have you on this journey with me - the amazing, the wonderful - Kelly Noble Mirabella. Yes! She's back for a second time on Lights Camera Live. Let's do this, you guys!
Stephanie Liu Like I have promoted the heck out of this episode. I created like, three teaser videos. I did the whole thing.
Kelly Noble Mirabella It was bananas.
Stephanie Liu It’s for 2020. We're going to make this really good, really fun and new. So for you guys that are just tuning in, this is the show. Seriously, don’t have any other tabs open. If you’ve got babies walking around, close the door, and shut the tabs, because this is the place to be.
Kelly Noble Mirabella It's too legit to quit.
Stephanie Liu Love it. Love it. Love it. All right. So, I'm here in San Diego. It's not as funny as it used to be. But that's okay, because it's still San Diego on the West Coast. I know that you're on the West Coast, too, right?
Kelly Noble Mirabella I'm super jealous because I'm up by LA, and it's like, kind of cloudy and smoggy. And you know, like LA, San Diego literally is heaven. I think it's heaven.
Stephanie Liu It's fun and you're gonna be here for Social Media Marketing World, which is around the corner, right?
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yeah, I'm speaking just like you.
Stephanie Liu I'm sorry. Wait, wait, hold up. I'm sorry. I had my Agorapulse cup in hand. Okay, wait, wait. Other side. There you go. Why is my hand massive?
Kelly Noble Mirabella I know. My hand is not that... there.
Stephanie Liu Shout out to James. He said that he literally had 15 other tabs open. That's why we say you got to go ahead and shut this down, because here's the thing: Guys, what I love most about Kelly is that she's not just going to give you theory of things about like, Oh, this could happen or you could do that. She actually walks you step-by-step. And this is why, because she actually has a YouTube channel - Baby Got Bot, and she goes through the whole thing. She scripts it out, she edits the video, she teaches you. In fact, what is the partnership that you have with Manychat?
Kelly Noble Mirabella I am their trainer. So I did the Manychat Beginner Course. And I've also done several of their YouTube videos. I am highlighted in their blog quite often. I'm good friends with the Marketing team. I'm in the Slack with them. No, I can't get you guys any favors or special treatment because I already annoyed Max Givens over there enough with my incessant questions. But yeah, I'm their trainer. If you go check out Manychat’s course, you'll see my face.
Stephanie Liu I feel like that needs to be its own shirt. Like you already got your own merchandise. She has her own merchandise.
Kelly Noble Mirabella This is my shirt. Just a boss.
Stephanie Liu Oh, that's so wonderful.
Kelly Noble Mirabella I got merched, y'all.
Stephanie Liu That's cool. I feel like you - people are having their stuff. I've got my Agorapulse cup. So shout out to AP. AlI right, you guys. So today, we're talking about the future of chat marketing. And the reason why I wanted to have Kelly on the show today was because I could not keep up with everything that was happening last year. By the time it was the holidays, and I wanted to sit down and read stuff. I was like, all of this is changing. I mean, we have time for it. And then, I saw you promoting - you know, all of the stuff that you're doing only with like Manychat. You even spoke at conventions like Social Media Marketing World, that the future of chat marketing is here - now. It’s now, so let's talk about that. Kelly, when it comes to chat marketing, why is it something that marketers should go ahead and invest in right now?
Kelly Noble Mirabella Let's go back. I like to talk about the fact - I’m sure it’s every one of us - that there's been an opportunity that we've passed that we wish we didn't have or hadn't jumped on earlier. Facebook ads in 2009, or email back in the late 90s. You know, email marketing, and getting into those things and missing out. We missed out on low cost, huge return on investment. And man, we're kicking ourselves, right? We're like the Blockbuster of our field, like Dang it, why didn't I buy Netflix for 50 million, which they didn't. So with chat marketing, we are here. The cool thing is that, the data supports it. Actually, last year, 2019 was the first year that the messaging app users equal the amount of users on social networks. And this year 2020, is the year when messaging app users will surpass social media users. So all the data is actually supporting this. It's not just a guess it's not just like a - leap into the faith. You don't have to leap into faith. You know, for a fact, chat is the future. And if you actually go to my YouTube channel - I know that Mike Allton had posted a link there - it's a trailer. It's actually my Social Media Marketing World trailer, but the first like 30 seconds basically explains it all. Like this is the future. Mark Zuckerberg says chat is the future, and private is the future. Manychat is huge right now. I would not have invested my entire business to switch everything up and put most of my eggs in that basket. If it were not for the fact that the data proves it. You don't have to worry about being the Blockbuster of your industry anymore. You can get in on it. I can show you how. I can.
Stephanie Liu She is. We've been talking about this, and she's got some bonus goodies for you guys today. I was going bananas. But before we get into that, I like to hang out in your Baby Got Bot Facebook group, because you have so many bot builders in there from different industries that are following your guidance, following your tips and and your advice. And I think most people don't really realize how they can incorporate chat marketing into their business, whether it's online or just a brick and mortar. So my question for you is, is what are some examples of what chatbots can do right now?
Kelly Noble Mirabella So messenger bots can basically be used in so many ways. It's really limited by your imagination. But some of the ways that I'm really excited about are the strategies that we might be talking about today, which are getting more viewers, more engagement and more reach on these Facebook Lives. These, right here. Your Facebook Live can get to more people. I want to give you a quick example. I did a Facebook Live on my page, which by the way, I never do. I always do them in my private group. Everyone needs to know about compliance. So I did a compliance, you know, a webinar, but it was a Facebook Live on my page. It was the one time I went live on my page at all last year, and I still had like, 38 people live at the same time on my broadcast. And I had 20, I think I'm up to 27 shares on that post now - tons of engagement, huge reach. I think the reach was over 12,000 people - and it was all because of a strategy that I used with my messenger bot.
Stephanie Liu Goosebumps! I don’t know if you can actually see it this with my DSLR. So hopefully... Maybe you do see the goosebumps, but it was insane! I saw it and I was watching. Like what is she doing?
Kelly Noble Mirabella I was, I was experimenting, and it worked! One of so many ways - you know. I, for instance, I'm going to ATOMICON next or this year. Wow. 2020. I'm going to ATOMICON and I'm doing a workshop outside of speaking at ATOMICON. I'm doing a Fringe Day workshop and I'm facilitating the whole registration and the sale of my tickets, and the check in at the event with a QR code mobile wallet through my chatbot. It's amazing like the whole thing is super seamless! So, it just makes my life so much easier. I'm doing a summit for raising funds for the relief funds in Australia. My bot was actually built to save my sanity. So I'm so busy right now trying to recover from the flu, that I've created a really quick chatbot for all the speakers. I have 28 people in less than 24 hours that signed up to be speaker and I already have their headshot, the titles, descriptions, and it was all because of a bot I built. So there's three examples right there of how I use my messenger bot.
Stephanie Liu I love this. So basically you learned how to clone yourself with a bot. You’re like developing your new fashion line. I love it. In fact, actually, you know, Joey just jumped in and she said: Is that backdrop a part of your merch?
Kelly Noble Mirabella It should be, shouldn’t it? You know, I actually keep it super top secret on where I get my backdrop because I'm known for my backdrop. You notice when I go full screen, it's just a temp tapestry. My husband is actually getting me a full panel on my birthday. And that's how serious I am about this backdrop. So, shhh, I can't tell you. I do have a tshirt with the same thing that I could probably sell though. I actually wore it to Social Media Marketing World last year.
Stephanie Liu I love it. I love it. So shout out to Anna who said that your bots rock and they're friendly, too.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Thank you. I strive to be friendly.
Stephanie Liu Good, good, good. So one question from James so far right now - and just because he closed all the tabs like we told him to. So what's the first type of chatbot that you'd recommend that a local business should do?
Kelly Noble Mirabella I think that the very first step is just to create some kind of a basic welcome message. So, if someone does just comes in through your Facebook page, you have a welcome-to-my-messenger bot, and maybe a couple of buttons that direct people to talk to a human that can notify an admin to send them to specific tabs on your website. Maybe if you're a local business, you might want to send them information about your hours, or a menu. You know, those really basic things. That's the very first step. And that's really easy, and you can do it for free. Everyone loves that, right?
Stephanie Liu Everyone does. In fact, actually, Joey had a good question for you. She's saying that how long does it usually take to build a bot? I would imagine that it probably depends on what exactly it is that you're building.
Kelly Noble Mirabella It does. It depends on what you're building and who's building it. Now, it's not fair for me to tell you what it is because it would take me - What would take you - a beginner or even some intermediates - maybe days, I could probably do in six hours. I've done it in Social Media Week Lima Chatbot. For six hours, I just sat down and did it. So you know, the chatbot that you will experience today - is a little bit teasing. That one took me about 20 minutes to build. Again, I am like really high-level nerdy at this stuff. If it takes a couple or an hour to do something, that would take me maybe 30 minutes - 20 minutes. They can be very complicated. They can be very easy. The more you do it, the easier it gets just like anything else. Like is nothing for you to jump on and get your Facebook Live because you already have a system. You've been doing it. It might take me a little bit longer, because like - I never do it.
Stephanie Liu But also, you create templates and I know that in Manychat you can import a template. Do you sell those templates? Is that a thing?
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yeah, people do sell templates. I personally don't. Templates aren't my thing, because I like teaching. I want people to know how to do it. Even if you get a template, a lot of times, you need to be able to manipulate it and make it your own. And so, templates are a great jumping off point. I do have templates for myself and for my courses. Sometimes, I give them away on my videos on YouTube if I think it's a more complicated build. I personally don't sell them. Now, people do sell them, if you want a jumping off point to cut some time down. Also Manychat has several free templates that you can jump into and kind of play around with. But I would recommend that you at least learn the basics. You could take the free Manychat course. I have a beginners course. And then, that way, you can manipulate it to make it your own.
Stephanie Liu Got it. Well, cool. Alright, so you already know this, but when we're promoting the show, we built out a bot. Robosteph had jumped in there. If you guys got into the show because of Robosteph, go ahead and say Robosteph.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Or, if you went through - I also had a bot again. So Kelly's bot, I don't know. Kelly's bot has since been renamed because it is just me. It's always just me talking to you all.
Stephanie Liu Right, cool. So having said that, let's talk about how can live streamers use chatbots, and more specifically, by engaging with the Baby Got Bot strategy for engagement. You guys, this is bananas! Seriously, if you're doing anything else right now, you need to stop.
Kelly Noble Mirabella We're going to get our hands dirty right? Yes, it's your smoke pads out - y'all! Yeah!
Stephanie Liu So, show me how you want me to do this. Do you want me to have it up? Or do you want to talk through it?
Kelly Noble Mirabella Let's go ahead. I mean, can you do it like a split screen with it again?
Stephanie Liu I can. Yeah, let's do that.
Kelly Noble Mirabella I mean, I'll walk through it and stuff, but basically all I created was a guide. It's 18 pages, and it walks you step-by-step on how to basically do a Facebook Live Strategy. Now in the guidebook, there’s an example on how to go live because the idea is that you have a third party app to go live - so you could pre-schedule. And then, we're going to promote it using various things. In this guide, I teach you how to do it with Be.Live, because I find that's the easiest to learn, or do. I don't use Be.Live personally. I use Ecamm, and you use StreamYard or Ecamm. So, by the way, should we tell them where they can get this guide, or...
Stephanie Liu Yes, I was gonna let you do that.
Kelly Noble Mirabella
Really quick. The guide we're about to go through -
Because you're watching and because you closed all your tabs -
If you type the word ‘bgb’ in the description below, you will get, you'll be entered into -
Robosteph is going to help you out. You're going to get this guide, and then some...
Stephanie Liu Okay, that's if you're on Facebook.
Kelly Noble Mirabella So anywhere else in the universe - If you're watching on YouTube… If you're in a watch party. If you're in a group… Then, please head over to the main feed on Stephanie's page. And then, you would comment there and you'll be able to grab that guide. And, if there's any problems, always come back in. Sometimes, the bots could get a little like, Oh, this is a lot of people! I had to go back and link to it. It's like - we could do that. Okay, so here's the idea. Let's scroll through this pretty quick, because it's an extensive training and I actually have a mini course that you guys can get 50% off. Just go through the bot, just as we explained, and you can learn how. By the way, 50% off means like it's $9 and 70 cents - I think. That’s what it comes out to. It's like ridiculously cheap. So, the first step is number one, you're going to schedule your live broadcast. So obviously, we want to preempt this, right? We know we're going to be going live, and I would say that most of the time. With a good Facebook Live strategy - long term strategy, especially when you’re scheduling these bad boys - Yes, that's what we want to do. So we schedule it out. Whether using Be.Live as the guide points out or anything else, go you! Let's go for it! So once we have it scheduled out, it creates a post on our Facebook page with a link and that link is going to be very important. So, the next step is we're going to create a registration bot. If you're brand is spanking new and never used Manychat before, grab the guide. Because in the guide, I think in the resource page at the very back, you can get a free trial of Manychat Pro. Go through the guide, so don't sweat it. I got you.
Stephanie Liu I'm telling you guys - So Lowell just came in and he said, I still have all the tabs open. He's living on the edge.
Kelly Noble Mirabella I have like five tabs open, it's fine. Just pay attention. All right, so you're going to go to your flows. Basically, we're going to create a flow. Actually in the guide - I created this guide yesterday. You'll see it's all the promotions we did for this exact event. So you'll see Stephanie's beautiful face in my guide. Welcome to the party, Stephanie. So, we want people to register in the bot. Even if you're creating an event page, which I always do, and I know Stephanie, you did for this as well on your Facebook, you want to encourage people to register in the bot. The reason is that, we don't want to rely completely on Facebook's little notification. You know, when you go live, someone clicks on that little ‘notify me’ when you go live - That thing doesn't always work. If they register in the bot, it allows you to do several things. Number one, we're going to set it up so that they we can send them a broadcast message, which PS, is fully compliant after March 4. You guys, I am like the queen of compliance when it comes to messenger buzz! Everything I teach is March 4-and-beyond compliant. I don't even talk about tags and stuff from current or previous. So, we're going to come into the bot. They're going to register. We're going to tag them so that we're compliant. We’re able to send those people a broadcast message saying hey, we're live or we're going to be live soon or whatever - with the confirmed event reminder tag. You can personalize this using emojis. You can add their first name - make them feel warm and fuzzy - as you can see in the example. I put a nice image. I like to be consistent with my images. I like to make sure that, whatever I'm using in my marketing is in the messenger bot as well. That way, there's that nice linear effect and people are like: Oh yeah! That's the same person! So they register, we tag them, and then, I go a step further. This is one of my favorite new tricks. I'm actually going to get people to share out my broadcast. And for those of you who are going through the bot right now, you'll notice that I actually do an Unlock To Share feature, where, if they share this one, we'll be showing them the guide, through the actual messenger bot for bgb that you guys are going through. If you share the post, you will also get the 50% off of my mini course. So you can do. That is totally up to you how far you want to take this, but in the guide I teach you how to create, well, number one - I skipped a step you see here at confirmation message. Also, this is my strategy. I go way out. I'm like extra - y'all! I like to go extra. I actually use a tool that allows me to create a link so that people can add my event to their calendars, so they're getting notified via the event page on Facebook. If they clicked on the live broadcast ‘Interested’ button, they're getting notified there - hopefully. They're getting a reminder message, and a message when I go live from my messenger bot. They are getting a notification from their calendar of choice. Hey, this is today! So, they're like, Whoa, I can't miss this.
Stephanie Liu You shouldn’t. That's why I was so pumped for this episode. I was like, I'm gonna do everything I can to get people into today's show. Because when you have someone like Kelly Noble Mirabella, and she's just like, Yo, I'm just going to show you how to do it, you know, and I'm gonna give you a guide, and I actually have like a case study in real life - That's happening right now.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yeah, that's right. This is a case study - I didn't even know about that. How are we doing?
Stephanie Liu 67 viewers so far. We've got about 30. So, if you guys are loving this, go ahead and go through the comments that are just popping off.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Okay, so as you can see on the screen, this is in the guide that you're going to get. So you can see they come in. They get: Do you want to register? Hit register. They get tagged and then, they get the confirmation saying you know, add it to your calendar. Totally up to you if you want... Yep, doesn't matter if they hit the calendar button or just like, walk away. The next step, again, is optional, but it's something I do in my own strategy. I’m just showing you how to create the action steps. This step is where I show you everything - plus my mini course that has a video that walks you through all these steps. This is what I do when I'm recovering from the flu, you guys. Literally everyone in my house - Yeah, so we keep going down. So then, they get a confirmation - I'm adding them to the event. This is how I built out - Oh no, this is the share. So this is my top secret share thing. This is so cool. So, they basically have this link. You can see here - there's a link to a video where I teach this and also in the mini course, there's a video is in there as well, where you could share anything. So when people first came into my messenger bot, I shared a post that I created just with an image for this event, and people would share that out to get them to register from my link. But today, I went in and I edited it, so that now when people come into my register link and go through this flow - that you're seeing in the guide - the share that they're sharing is this actual video of that we're doing right now. Because, I figured - I want them sharing the actual video, right? So you can go in and change these. So now, when anyone hits that ‘Share’ event, it's sharing this video and we're getting more reach, and more views. This is exactly how I got - well, this and a couple of things - so many shares on my last live broadcast.
Stephanie Liu Was it 26 shares? Over the holidays too!
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yeah,yeah - it was crazy. And, I never get that. Usually, when I go live on my Facebook page, honestly, I may get 10 people and maybe like 30 shares - even if I ask. You know, so, it was pretty rockstar. I was pretty excited about the results. Okay, so we have register, tag, add to my calendar, and now we're asking them to share. And then, I want to thank them for sharing - obviously, right? Let's scroll a little further. I know we're going through this fast but that's only because you guys get the step-by-step.
Stephanie Liu Okay, I know. For all your questions, I'll eventually go back to them.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yeah, refresh it. So then, the next step - The way I do it - so that only the people who actually click on the share button are going to get this is - I do something called a sequence. People are always asking me like, oh, now that Facebook changed the rules, sequences are dead. I use sequences all the time. And, this is a perfect example of how they could still be compliant. So they hit the ‘share’ button, and they're off sharing with the world. And then, what happens is they get sent or subscribed to the sequence I created. The sequence I created is simply a one-minute - Once it's done, it sends out one to two minutes after they click the button, giving them time to share. And then, it just says You rock! It's a GIF of me. And then, here's a little fun thing that nobody talks about. I think it's just extra. It makes makes the experience better. If you ever - If you go to messenger, whether it's your page or just to a friend, you can try it when live here. I'm looking for my phone but anyways. I heard it earlier I heard a message. Just post either a balloon, just a balloon emoji or just a heart, no other text. And then it like flourishes, like there are hearts everywhere or balloons. So what I do is I do a GIF of ‘you rock’, one box text box with just heart - and then in the next text box (brand new text box) saying Thank you so much for sharing - you rock! And, it's like this whole experience when they come in to share and it's like well… so cool. At that point, you can leave it at that, Hey, you rock! Thank you. Or, that's where you can do the Unlock for if you wanted to do an unlock. Like we did in this guide that you guys are running through.
Stephanie Liu So, that is so cool. Yeah, that was the first time I ever saw that and I thought that it was just so clever - just so clever. I feel like whenever I talk to Kelly, anything about like promotion-wise, you're just always thinking outside of the box. And it's always, like you said - she's extra.
Kelly Noble Mirabella She knew that experience. It’s super special for people to have a wow experience, because- I mean, don’t get it twisted. When even at conversations, when I got on the stage, the first thing I told that audience is Mind you, chat marketers, people say chat bots are annoying. So knock it off. You know, I don't want to build a bot that's annoying. I want people to be like, well, how did you do that? And the messages I get in my inbox are either asking me specific questions of: how do I build this because they're watching my videos or they're responding on going, how do I do what you just put me through? Like, especially with what we just ran through - A lot of people say, How do I do that? I was like, Hey, you know, go watch 70s show. I'm going to give you the good.
Stephanie Liu It was bananas because I didn't mean - I didn’t even know what happened. I usually have my phone on silent at night when I go to bed. I went to bed last night and totally forgot to do it. And all night, it was like - And I was like, this is like some dubstep happening in my bedroom right now. Okay, so if you guys are following along, we are talking about Kelly Noble Mirabella’s signature Baby Got Bot Engagement Strategy.
Kelly Noble Mirabella That means, it's real.
Stephanie Liu That's it? Yes. I help people name their sessions and description.
Kelly Noble Mirabella You did you help me! You helped me with a session that I applied for and was like, Oh my gosh, you're like rocking my world right now, lady.
Stephanie Liu Copyright your stuff. So you guys, who are just falling on, we're talking about how live streamers can leverage chatbots into their marketing. If you came into the show because you follow Robosteph or you're hanging out with Kelly - I mean we're giving you this. It's pretty much meta remember doing it, and then we are showing you how to do it. Well, it’s actually Kelly showing you how to do it.
Kelly Noble Mirabella This pretty meta, isn't it? Not only are we showing, but this is it. Like, this is the case. You are in the case study people.
Stephanie Liu You are in the matrix. Alright, cool. So we've got up so far just talking about sequences, and why sequences are not dead. And chatbots are not annoying, so knock it off. So let's go ahead and go from there.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Let's keep scrolling. So you're not done yet. I mean, what the whole point of this is teaching you all about how to build the sequence - like literally, when I say it step-by-step. This is why I have an 18-page guide. It's because you're getting like the full lowdown. And then in the mini course, I actually have a video that walks you through as well - as well as some additional helpful resources. So it's just walking you through how to build that - THAT whole thing. Yep, keep going.
Stephanie Liu Like, that's good.
Kelly Noble Mirabella You have it. So this is the growth tool. So, Stephanie, I know you did one of these. I did one of these, and it's just a URL. You can use these wherever your URLs apply. So, in your email marketing, or on your event page in your Facebook group - just my suggestion is always to say, register via messenger. Always set the expectations because the last thing you want is someone to click on a link thinking they're going to a page - like a landing page, and all of a sudden, a messenger pops up. And, they either ignore it or they're annoyed because they're all, Whoa, invasive. How did you do that? So if you just take the very easy step of saying, Yo, you're going through messenger to register, they're like, Hey, cool, man. You're like, no big deal. And then and then you go from Whoa, this is not cool to Whoa, this is so cool! Like, that's the difference.
Stephanie Liu Seriously. The next emoji that you need to do is like an emoji slide bar where it's like, I'm happy and then it's like, I'm super excited. Like, remember Mark Zuckerberg where they had that little emoji that needs to be you.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yes. Awesome. So yeah. I mean, setting expectations is like life - like that. With everything you do in marketing, all you do, all these little changes, that little shift of just setting the right expectations, and all of a sudden you go from just customers and fans to like super raving fans. We're all … whoa!
Stephanie Liu Yeah, because it's completely different. I mean, based off of everything else that I've ever been in other people's chatbots. She does make it stand out - like there's no way that you could possibly walk down the convention center and not see Kelly. She's like this vibrant energy.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Pink - pink lipstick, too.
Stephanie Liu Alright, cool. So we've talked about the growth tool. Do you want to talk a little bit more about that? Like why?
Kelly Noble Mirabella Well, there's a lot of growth tools you can use. In fact, y'all just went through the growth tool, right? If you type the ‘bgb’, that's called the Comment Growth tool, which is super handy for getting more engagement. And, also, it creates the next step of this, which is after people who are in your live. They're watching, and so, that's the opportunity to give them show notes. It doesn't have to be a guide. You can do show notes. It could be like an extra tip and maybe like a quick video with an extra tip. It doesn't have to be - It's just something like a perk. Anything free that's kind of feels VIP to people - that's cool. And usually I'm extra, right? So, of course, I’m giving away like an 18-page guide, but you guys could do like a 30-minute bonus tip that just blows people's minds that they're willing to share. So the thing is - they comment, they come in, they get whatever you offer them, and then you offer them to unlock the bonus thing. If you want, totally optional, we happen to be doing that today, for in our case 50% off of my $20 and 20 cents - 2020 - (see what I did there?) There was like $9 and 70 cents...
Stephanie Liu But I will say this. I have bought, like whatever Kelly puts out. I'm just like, yep, sign me up, done done… Because it's just something that I want to have in my swipe file in my library, because I know how much effort she puts into this. Seriously, you guys, when we had set this whole episode up, I was like, yeah, you know, we'll talk about this. We’ll do this. And she's like, but wait a second. What if we built a bot? What if we do this? What if we do a guide and then I'll give you a promo code. I was like, Girl, you can come to the show anytime. And I will be your producer.
Kelly Noble Mirabella I love it. That’s awesome. So, it does help increase. So what we've done here is, we've created a viral loop. We've allowed people to get something awesome by engaging with our show. And obviously, we have more organic engagement going on as well because we encourage you to ask questions. And then you come in, you get whatever - so that's nice for you guys watching. But then, we, as the producers and as the host, we're getting more engagement and more reach because you're sharing to unlock the next thing. So I mean, it's a win, win, win, win win. And it really does help. It helps so much. I'm surprised I didn't discover this earlier.
Stephanie Liu I'm just thinking this is like the live streaming lottery and chatbox kind of rolled into one. So, that's awesome. So, before we jump into the next couple of steps, I want to give a huge shout out to Mitch Jackson, who we all know and love - the Streaming Lawyer Legal Minds. And so his question was, can we add one or more recorded videos into our chat bot messages? And you have any recommendations for that?
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yes, I do. Okay, so when it comes to videos in your chatbot, any large file is going to slow your chatbot down significantly, which is going to hurt your user experience. I always say user experience above all else when it comes to your messenger bot and for most things really. So what my recommendation is, this is number one. If you are hell bent on having an actual video hosted inside your bot, make it super duper small, super duper short. I want to say you only have like 20 megabytes. It's like super small. Is that even possible anymore? So my suggestion, instead, is to host it somewhere. Whether you're doing a Vimeo or Wistia or YouTube, even like a private link, what I like to do is called a card, which is actually an image. You can do like a GIF, like a quick GIF, a sample of your video which I've done in the past, and or you could just do like a thumbnail, like I do my YouTube video every week. I send it out in my bot. I just do with my thumbnail and then you can link to that video and you know, like Watch Now with a little call to action - “Watch now” And that's how I do it. Then, you can go crazy like - as many videos as your heart desires, you know. Go, you!
Stephanie Liu When I knew that I was going to have you on the show, I limited myself to one cup of coffee because, I knew as soon as you would come on - we would totally vibe and it would be like the loudest thing that happens in the house. Right? Cool. So pause on the questions for now. We'll go ahead and wrap this part up. Okay, so this is the whole like copy URL. I love the flow. When Manychat rolled out the whole flow...
Kelly Noble Mirabella The new flow is amazing. It was like the new flow of this thing.
Stephanie Liu That thing was awesome. Okay. So and then, so you're walking them through? Kelly Noble Mirabella This is actually how I had someone asked me this question. Kelly, how do you get the link to the Facebook Live to put in your bot because this is kind of confusing. It's the timestamp. And then you grab the link. And by the way, you know when you do like a scheduled Facebook Live, it creates the world's longest link. You don't need the whole link. You only need it at the end of the number sequence - the post number sequence. Stephanie Liu Yeah, so wherever the question mark starts, just cut it there. Doesn't have to… yeah. Cool, cool, cool. All right. Mitch did say post it someplace else - a great idea. Yay. Thanks, Mitch. Good Good.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Knowledge bomb.
Stephanie Liu I know this is why James - This is what I told you and Lowell - if you still have those five other tabs open, God bless you.
Kelly Noble Mirabella All right. Well, my brother from another mother over there - watch out!
Stephanie Liu Alright, so step three, send out reminders when going live. Notification broadcasts, I would love to hear what you're doing with this.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Okay. Now a lot of people that are familiar with Manychat and messenger bots might be freaking out at this point. Well, I thought broadcasts were dead. Deep breaths everyone. No, they're not dead. You just have to use them properly. And because you had people register and you were tagging them for this event, you are going to use what is called the confirmed event reminder. Oh, PS, I did not do this on purpose. But, my YouTube video today is actually fully all about that tag - the confirmed event reminder. So, if you have questions about that, check out the YouTube channel. So what we do is, we register, we come in here, we're going to do a messenger broadcast, and you can do just like Hey I'm going live and do it to go out right when you go live. Or, you could be like me and accidentally send it out at 2am.
Stephanie Liu I hated that. I was like, why don't you give me an AM/PM box? Military time, okay, fine. Fine.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Don't do that. I did. I actually scheduled it and for some reason - you guys - I am not joking when I say I'm recovering from the flu and both my kids had the flu, so a little delirious. But it did go out at you. You don't want that to happen. Schedule it to go out at the time. By the way, if you do send it out at the wrong time, what happens? I just send like a little Steve Urkel GIF. I was like I am so sorry. We were so excited to go live. That went out a little early but don't worry more to come. So you can, just you know, have some fun with it. People are so forgiving if you're nice and you're human. Believe it or not, your chatbot can be human And then, people think it's fine. Everything's fine.
Stephanie Liu I could totally see you, Kelly. Like, instead of doing the Urkel GIF, you could have one of you with your hair up in a towel. And then like the cucumber slices on your face and a mask with, like your cup. You're like, Oh!
Kelly Noble Mirabella I'm like, I should use that one. I also have one more. I'm breathing in a paper bag. Could you use that one, too?
Stephanie Liu That's right. Yeah, that's a good, that's a good one.
Kelly Noble Mirabella So, anyway, so you can just send out the reminder, hey, we're live come join us. Or, you can send out a like that day or the day before. If you have a longer tail between when they register and when you're live, send out a couple of reminders. You can always use that confirmed event reminder, but only send it to the people that you tagged and you're fully in compliance. As long as it's prior to - we're not talking about after the event. We're talking prior to, and you're NOT promoting anything else. Okay, so we're only talking about, hey, we're so excited about this event. And we're going to give away this guide, which is totally okay because we actually are giving away a guide as part of the show. Okay? So this is how you set up. You go into your broadcast, click on the new broadcast button, and click on messenger there. You can send out an SMS email. It's super cool with Manychat, but you do have to build those lists out. And in my mini course, I teach you how to do those two.
Stephanie Liu If you unlock this, you talk about what? The SMS line?
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yeah, yeah. Think of it this way: the main strategy you're learning here is kind of like the initial block and then you can customize it so if you want to. Instead of asking them to share, you would rather build your email list. So like, Hey, would you guys also like to get notified via email? And also join my email list where you can find out more awesome guests that I'm going to be having. I like to give people a choice if I do. This I'll say, hey, do you want to be notified via email or SMS as well? And then I will let them choose. I will say, by the way, you will be opting in. Again, with expectations, you’re going to be locked into. But in this case, we just did Messenger.
Stephanie Liu Yeah, that's awesome. Cool. Alright.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Alright, so we are going to select the confirmed event reminder, which we already talked about a little bit. That will keep you fully compliant, even after the March date. Again, I only teach the new compliance,
Stephanie Liu Which is why you need to subscribe to her YouTube channel, because anything that's new she’s going to lay it all out for you. It's all in layman's terms. And if you ever have any questions, she's still has that very, very active Facebook group that you could join. That's a free group, right?
Kelly Noble Mirabella Free group. Yeah. Totally free. We do like Q and A's in there every month and stuff. It's super fun. I do all my Facebook Lives in my Facebook group. For my bot shots!
Stephanie Liu Shout out to Mitch who's just basically said: Quick observation: we can all learn from the excitement and energy Stephanie and Kelly bring to the show. They could be talking about rocks...
Kelly Noble Mirabella Rocks are cool, man. My daughter collects rocks, so we could totally make that a thing.
Stephanie Liu Alright, cool, carry on.
Kelly Noble Mirabella
Anyway, now in the example here, you can see -
How some fun with it. Keep it short. You don't want to like have blocks and blocks of text. It's messenger, right?
Keep it nice and short. I always like to personalize it with a little emoji. Keep in mind that first line that you see - the “Hi
Stephanie Liu Have you ever had someone who said that they don't see the register? Because then I'm like, what's happening there?
Kelly Noble Mirabella What's happening is, (especially as of late)... Because it is a newer platform, and they're doing tons of updates right now on Facebook. These are generally Facebook bugs. I know with iOS, they were having issues this week actually, with the buttons not working. So, like you would see this - there's no ‘watch now.’ I always want to watch. So, I definitely keep an eye on my inbox and notice all that people are saying. I didn't see a button. I can either send them a link, or use that little button in Manychat. In your inbox - you can automatically have them go to a flow. I'll send them directly to a flow and then usually the second time it will work, because there's a glitch. And a lot of times, it just needs to clear.
Stephanie Liu I’m so glad I asked you that, because I had one person reach out to me today, and I wasn't sure if they're trying to mess with me. I was like, are you trying to break this? It’s right there. I see it. But now that makes sense. So thank you.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Sometimes, you just have to roll with it. Like seriously, if you want to be an early adopter, you have to be cool, man. And, just roll with it. And that's why I say, go in with a little personality of your own, like a little bit of like, hey, if I mess up, my tribe, my people, my community, it's cool. Kelly. I misspelled like, oh, like crazy, I'm dyslexic, and people are like, hell, you misspelled this. I was like, yeah, I'm dyslexic. I'm sorry. I'll change it. Like No, no, it's totally fine. We love you Love you. Love you.
Stephanie Liu Yeah, I know. I'm looking at all the numbers and like, those are her peeps. Those are her peeps. So we're on page 14. Again, you guys could totally get this for free. She's walking you through all of it. She gives you the changes. Yeah, yeah.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Talking about the non-promotional tags. How to? Oh, yeah, PS: bonus. There's a checklist because people are always asking me for a checklist. You know how hard it is for me to do a one-page checklist? My last guide book, by the way, that I sell for $7 and my course is literally 57 pages long. I can't help myself.
Stephanie Liu No, I think it's brilliant. This is one of those things, guys. You know, if you want to be more organized this year, if you want to hire a VA, or even just an intern, take this checklist right here. Put it into your Asana, your Trello - whatever it is that you use. Click up, you know, and then boom! It's all right there.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Super straightforward. It's like you know, and if you could think of other things you want to do add to your checklist. This is just my checklist. This is what I do.
Stephanie Liu So add some flair to it. Cool. So again, you guys, it's already been 45 minutes. We've been going nonstop. So here's the deal. You already know what to do in order to go ahead and get this guide. If you're watching on LinkedIn or on YouTube, you actually have to go over to to see my work.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Come on over.
Stephanie Liu And then, while we still have this up, what I'm going to do is - I'm going to go through the comments. If I missed your question the very first time, just type it back, okay? And so, while I do this shoutout to...
Kelly Noble Mirabella Put a Q before your question - like a big “Q”. That's what we do in my group.
Stephanie Liu There you go. So Monica says, Kelly's YouTube channel is the best! So much information that your head will explode!
Kelly Noble Mirabella I love the emoji, too. Thank you, Monica
Stephanie Liu You should have another GIF with like your head and then like someone just like launches your head out.
Kelly Noble Mirabella My community would do that. I actually had someone that did the hit-me-with-your-best-shot song. Yes, it’s me, with your best bot, like with music composure and everything. Like the people who are in my group always like to send me stuff like this.
Stephanie Liu I love it. Okay, so let's see here. Anyone using Onestream to live stream pre-recorded videos? I have never heard of Onestream. Is that something that you might know?
Kelly Noble Mirabella I think I've heard of it. I've never used it, but I've actually used - You can do that with like, pretty much anything. You could use OBS. That's back when - I was teaching Facebook Live like back in 2016. I taught OBS. You could do that. I think in Ecamm, you can do it as well. You can actually do it in Facebook, if it's pre-recorded. So, I know that Gary Vaynerchuk does this strategy. But again, if you are going to do pre-recorded videos, my suggestion is, again, set the expectation because you will PO people off if they're like, What? This is recorded. And you're not like, Hey, it's recorded. Watch this recording.
Stephanie Liu Yeah, totally, totally agree. I've actually done that before. Well, I'll actually do the intro first and say: I just had an amazing show with Kelly Mirabella. It was so good. I just want to push the replay button for you guys. Watch the replay. I'll still be in the comments. So any questions that you have, I'll just go in and retype them in there. And, then it works out pretty well. So here's a good question from Samantha. She said: If you do a weekly show, how do you come up with something every week that has the ‘wow’ factor? Sometimes I have to combos mapped out. And other times it's just an alert to listen to this. What are your thoughts?
Kelly Noble Mirabella My thoughts? Well, I don't do a live show, but I do a video every week on my YouTube channel. And the way that I do it is I have an ongoing list. I use Trello to organize all my video content. So, I have like a board for just ideas, one that's in development, one that's in editing, and then posted all the good stuff. So I have a really long list. And where I get most of my ideas is that I go to Facebook groups that might have- I'm in the Manychat group all the time. I have my own group where I get a lot of questions. I'll do Q and A's, and I have a bot that will actually accept questions and automatically put it into a spreadsheet. So I have the video I posted today. All the questions I answered in the video came from a bot questionnaire into a spreadsheet. Yeah, so those are how I get my ideas every week. So I always have, like an ongoing list in Trello. Just like this is what I feel like doing today.
Stephanie Liu Yeah, yeah, I think I love that idea. Even I use Asana, but I have this one column and I call it the ‘parking lot’. So it's like my parking lot of ideas. It's like, I want to run with this, but I'm gonna park you right here. So later, you know, I could go ahead and pull from that. So shout out to Sonya. She said, I swear I set up all of the notifications.
Kelly Noble Mirabella You see, I'm telling you be the holder of your destiny, people.
Stephanie Liu Yes. Don't leave it all up to notifications. And if you're just tuning in now, we just walk you through the whole step as far as messenger goes. But in the mini course, that Kelly has so graciously put together for everyone, she also talks about SMS, and how to build your email list. And like I said, it's the ninth day of the new year and she's like, go go go!
Kelly Noble Mirabella What else do you want? I did this literally yesterday.
Stephanie Liu I know! I was like, it's mommy-daughter day. I’m not even by the computer, Kelly.
Kelly Noble Mirabella I know I waited till the last minute. Like, this is the first day I felt good. I have to do all the things. I love it. I love it.
Stephanie Liu Alright, so shout out to AJ. Well, he's asking how does tracking work to make sure that the post that’s shared is really a good solution.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Two things that I like to do is - Because we're using the link and it's not just like a share button that went away- This is different. You can actually track in Manychat how many people clicked on it. Also one of the reasons why I create a separate post on my Facebook page, with an image, is that it allows me to track shares. So, I can see. That's most likely from the bot because I can kind of compare the data. So that's how I do it. So it's like, you're going for the unlock stuff. I wouldn't like to unlock super big things that you get a free course - like a whole free hundred thousand dollar course. Because there's not like a safeguard to make sure 100% that they actually didn't just click and then not share. Please, still share now that I've given you that information. But, but for the most part, if someone's going to click on that, they're most likely sharing.
Stephanie Liu So, this is the signature. Baby Got Bot strategy. You need to get that registration mark on there.
Kelly Noble Mirabella There’s a copyright on the guide though. So just so y'all know it's on the last page, believe it.
Stephanie Liu That's right. So James is saying: This is gold. He's gonna use it for a local business summit planning for February. So look at that! Already taking something that you've learned and already putting it into action. That's how you got to do 2020.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yeah, actually, I have a course coming out. It was supposed to come out this month, but everyone got flu, so probably next month. It's going to include even a step further into event marketing, which is slightly - It's pretty different from what I'm teaching here. This is more for webinars and lives. When you're doing like in-person events, conferences, classes, that's sort of thing, I have a completely different, though not completely - But there's different steps that you take, and I'm actually teaching that for those of you who will go to ATOMICON. That's actually the topic I'm teaching in my workshop. On a Fringe Day, ATOMICON for a little bit. ATOMICON is put on by my coaches. I'm crazy about them. Andrew, Pete, I love you. And, I'm the president of the official unofficial club fan club, obviously. it's called ATOMICON. It's their conference. It's new in the UK. And Mike Allton's actually going to be there. I think Agorapulse might be a sponsor. I'll be speaking on chat marketing and then have a fringe day. The 28th is the date of the actual conference. And then, on the 27th day will be the Fringe Day events. I know Mike has a Fringe Day event he's doing. Mari Smith is doing a Fringe Day event, and I am teaching how to create event marketing strategies kind of like what we talked about today, but more specific to event marketing with messenger bots. So that's going to be my - It's like a two-hour workshop.
Stephanie Liu Cool. Here's another question from Samantha. She's saying: How do you actually make the flow for the chat strategy not to be annoying? Which I totally get, because I feel like - Having live streaming for like, four years now, right? And then when the bots were like, Hey, if you're interested in this 123, click here, blah, blah, blah… Do you mix it up? Or do you keep it with the same template, because that's what people come to expect - setting an expectation...
Kelly Noble Mirabella The strategy is the same, right? You're going to - You're always going to register that link. I'm always going to send you confirmation with these things. But the messaging is always different. And I know that takes more time than just like cutting and pasting. But that's when things get stale. And that's when things kind of like - my rant rant. I like to always try to well - Wow, I mean, whatever. But if someone's coming in the register, and you got to at least give them the bare bones of what you're looking for. So, I definitely try to change it up different GIFs, different emojis, different images- I might change the flow slightly, but generally speaking, the flow is going to be basically the same and I sometimes will keep it really, really simple. And, even shorten it and get rid of like the calendar thing. It really depends on what I'm doing and what the topic is. And, if I have a guest I want to, you know, do extra. So, I definitely would say you want to switch it up at least the copy and images to give it a different feel.
Stephanie Liu Got it!Here's another question from Lisa. Kelly, any updates? Atlanta phone messaging is coming to Australia.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yeah, I know Lisa is having issues with her Facebook page right now. Facebook is being a pain in the butt for people right now. So yeah, I was told that it should have been out. I want to say by the end of this month in Australia, but I know that Manychat said that certain places will have different pricing because it is based off of your local phone number and text message pricing. But, I'm pretty sure that that's supposed to be out at the end of this month for Australia, Mexico, the UK and Brazil. Don't take my word. Think it's prison.
Stephanie Liu Alright, cool. So here's another one from Joey. This is an interesting one. Do you teach related to using API with the bots?
Kelly Noble Mirabella I don't currently teach anything with API. I find that I personally don't use the API a whole lot. I use things like walletly. I use Zapier. So, I use tools. I'm not a coder by any means. So I try to teach things to people who are business people that aren't going to know how to do API stuff. So really, people like me- business owners don’t, you know, know how to code and stuff. I tried to keep it pretty simple, but still being able to do really high-end stuff. Now, there are some fantastic educators out there. I'm sure that they teach API. That's just not my style, yo. Our clientele - most of my clients, they don't have those skills. So now, if you go into my Facebook group and you ask questions about API, I probably won't be able to answer them. But there are people In my group who can answer those questions
Stephanie Liu Oh, and you've got some amazing talented people in there. I love it when they go in there and they start sharing their wins. And it's like a completely -
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yeah, and I think we’re comfortable helping each other because I don't really compete with any of them. I don't sell a lot of bots. I'm really more of an educator. I build for businesses, but most of my builds are really high-end bigger builds -
Stephanie Liu So yes, love it. Alright, cool. So for those of you that are interested in ATOMICON, here is the link. James? Yes. You're like a super sharer today. Social Media Week Lima - you're going to be there, right?
Kelly Noble Mirabella Speaking of Lima too. I will likely build their body again. So, I love Jessica Phillips. She's my girl. Thank you, Kim. I love Kim. She's my girl. Love it.
Stephanie Liu All right, you guys. So today has been a jam-packed show. You will get show notes. Show notes will be on LightsCameraLive. Com - that's where we'll have everything up on there. You'll get the transcript. So, if you like to see our banter - love the banter. But, the step-by-step stuff will be in the blog post. I'll just have like the button go through the flow. I don't know how you want to do that, but we'll make that easy for them. If you guys have any other questions, here's the group: That's where you can find my home girl. Absolutely. We'll take it away. Monica, read the email.
Kelly Noble Mirabella You didn't see it yet. I did. Go to Baby Got Bot. I thought you did it as a Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Stephanie Liu I have the Fresh Prince of Bel Air in my pocket. So the next time I see you, I'm probably gonna have to surprise you with that.
Kelly Noble Mirabella I have to go back and read it now because - Uh, yeah, but in my head is a different song.
Stephanie Liu This seems trying to do the wow factor in the email. So, I wanted to do something good. So For those that got the email...
Kelly Noble Mirabella Yes. I know we have to end soon but before we end, I did an amazing training in my Facebook Group. So if you guys join my Facebook group, you'll access it in the unit. It’s all about SMS. That was amazing. It was mobile. Mary, I think the last name is Bennett, she and I have never been huge into SMS. I just started getting into it when Manychat got it, and she was like blowing my mind. I was like No, I want to do everything. But one thing she said that killed it - like definitely put the pin in it for me was - Everything we've already talked about, which is the very first message you send out in an in an SMS. But even like with anything, the very first thing you do try is to make that first thing just blow their mind. Because if you can blow their mind, then they're like I'm in! Stephanie Liu Yeah, you've already created that rapport. You've got these happy brain chemicals...
Kelly Noble Mirabella You don't always have to be doing what you don’t have to. Be like fireworks - every time. If you could do it the first time, you have just solidified in their mind that memory of this person is awesome. This message is awesome. I'm so glad I joined this email list or this SMS message. That's what we want. We want people to be like, I'm glad I did this. You know, treat yourself.
Stephanie Liu Right. Here's one last question from Sonia. She said that you guys mentioned reusing your live video content, do you repost it to YouTube? Do you split it as pieces on YouTube clips, or on email marketing? Any other ideas?
Kelly Noble Mirabella I think you and I might have different answers for this. And what it really comes down to is - what is your goal? My goal is absolute. My strategy for the past two years is is really driving home high-quality videos that train people how to use messenger bots on my YouTube channel. I don't repurpose anything on my YouTube channel. I won't post things on my YouTube channel that does not fit my specific style and strategy. If I have videos that are for something else, I'll put them on my Facebook page. But when it comes to my YouTube, it's like sacred. It's just my Baby Got Bought. It’s like a the super stuff now. I know that because your main goal is really a lot more Facebook Live that you probably do something very differently.
Stephanie Liu
Yeah, so right now, I'm actually using Streamyard, which allows you to go live in multiple places.
Oh, hey, yeah so we got a YouTube crew. We have a LinkedIn crew. We have folks watching on Twitter as well, even on Facebook.
So, it's cool because now I don't have to worry about downloading the video, chopping up and doing all that other stuff. If I could just go live once and it appears everywhere else, it makes it a lot easier.
As far as how to repurpose the content -
If you google 26 ways to repurpose your Facebook Live -
It's an article by our good friend, Mike Allton.
Mike, go ahead and link it. We know that like, I read there you have a shortcut somewhere.
But, he actually shows you how you could turn your live video into a one-minute teaser videos, into audiograms, into gifs - all of that stuff.
I mean, honestly, Kelly and I have been geeking out for almost an hour now. And I can tell you that I could probably, we already made, like 31 minutes. Watch this book. I totally will and I'll put it in Agorapulse.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Just before we went on live, I was just telling her like, Man, I need to get on board with the Stephanie Liu strategy because she is everywhere. Every time I come on your show, I'm just like thrilled because of the marketing - Like, can you market for me for the rest of the year? I don't have to do anything. I'm gonna let you guys...
Stephanie Liu See? That's why people should be a guest on the show because it's a whole marketing thing. There's like the pre-promotion buzz.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Check. The traffic from last year, from when we did this whole show - We’re like on our anniversary. Anniversary.
Stephanie Liu Sonia says so many ideas. Julie says she needs to be that one. Yes, you do, Mike, hopefully. But Sonia says so many ideas. Yeah, girl. There's so many things that you can do. Like I said, I take one video turn it into 26 pieces of content, jump into Agorapulse and then, every week it's promoting one thing on a Monday, Tuesday, and just imagine how many other live videos that you do. I never have to think about it. Yeah, and even with my guest, right? Because most likely when you're live streaming, you'll get the HD file. I'll even send it to the guests - like you repurpose it. You do whatever you want.
Kelly Noble Mirabella I love that. And then, it just makes it fun.
Stephanie Liu So good.
Kelly Noble Mirabella James bought my course, by the way. So a mad shoutout to James for closing all his tabs.
Stephanie Liu See what happened? So Sonia, that's the link. And then, one last, this is gonna be the last guy totally.
Kelly Noble Mirabella I'm here until the kid walks in. I'm yours, right?
Stephanie Liu Can this bot strategy be integrated with Zapier? And I'd love to know - like, what examples do you have?
Kelly Noble Mirabella Now, this particular one that I teach in the guide, there is no need for Zapier, but I use Zapier all the freakin time. For instance, if you didn't want to use Manychat’s native email system, or maybe you haven't - I use Constant Contact myself. I know a lot of people use something else. You want to build your email, as well as do this strategy, so you use Zapier. By the way, I have a YouTube video that teaches you how to do this. You could use Zapier, that basically would trigger the zap to take their email address and add it to your email service provider. By the way, in my new course, I'm going to teach a whole funnel system that does everything, including how to build a drip campaign in email. Before I became a bot expert, for years, I was a constant contact local area expert, and I taught on behalf of them and Microsoft. So email marketing is like, still my jam, which is why I was one of the few people who was like, messenger bots are not going to take away email. But yeah, you could totally use Zapier with this strategy and expand on it. There's so many things you can do. Yeah, active campaigns. Exactly.
Stephanie Liu There you go. Brian says Perfect. That's exactly what I was thinking. Active Campaign. Yeah, girl. I was telling you. I got all your tabs open. Be nice to your guests. All you live streaming folks. Just shower your guest with gifts because when you give them assets, then like they'll push it out.
Kelly Noble Mirabella They will. It's true, especially if they have Agorapulse. I'm just gonna like, schedule it all out and done.
Stephanie Liu Okay, so bonus question because this is about Streamyard. When using streaming, I do see comments from all three platforms. I do see comments from Facebook, and from YouTube. Not on LinkedIn, because it's not integrated there yet. But yeah, that's that. Yay. All right, Kelly. You have been absolutely amazing. I know you guys love this as much as I have because I've been watching the viewership and the numbers and the hearts just floating across the screen.
Kelly Noble Mirabella Do a heart storm for Stephanie, you guys.Kill her with a lot of hearts. Just like - rip the internet.
Stephanie Liu And again, get your free strategy guide from the amazing Kelly Noble Mirabella. She was so gracious - it's 18 pages of amazing wonderfulness. And this also gives you the opportunity to connect with her. Check out her mini course. You guys, I usually just throw my credit card at her.
Kelly Noble Mirabella She just woke up from her nap. Oh, God, I told you they want to be famous. Obviously, it's time. All right, say bye.
Stephanie Liu Bye everyone!
Want more engagement and leads from your Facebook live videos?
Did you know that chat bots are a sure fire way to boost your results?
Just imagine how easy it is to have viewers quickly opt-in to:
🔥Get notifications every time you go live
🔥Gain instant access to your lead magnet
🔥Quickly jump to your sales page
Kelly Noble Mirabella, owner of Stellar Media Marketing and Educational Partner and the trainer for the new ManyChat course joins the show to share tips and tricks when it comes to chat marketing.
How Chat Marketing is Evolving
Why Every Live Streamer Needs a Chat Bot
The Baby Got Bot Strategy for Boosting Engagement
Kelly Noble Mirabella is an international speaker and sought after Messenger marketing educator with more than 11 years of digital marketing experience.
With a flair for fun, Kelly brings her unique and engaging style to her Baby Got Bot training videos and Messenger campaigns. Owner of Stellar Media Marketing, Kelly is a ManyChat Agency Partner, Marketing Expert Certified, Educational Partner and the trainer for the new ManyChat course.
Why should we start investing in chat marketing right now?
“There’s been at least one opportunity that we’ve passed that we wish we didn’t have or jumped on earlier,” Kelly recalled.
She cited Facebook ads in 2009 and email way back in the late 90s. She explained further that those who didn’t jump in during those times missed out on low cost, huge ROI.
However, she believes that another opportunity for low cost, huge ROI could be within our midst once again. Messenger users are ballooning year after year. For Kelly, what’s happening now with chat marketing is similar to that of Facebook in 2009. It presents an opportunity and that the data supports it.
“I would not have invested my entire business to switch everything up and put most of my eggs in that basket,” Kelly said confidently. She emphasized that chat marketing and Manychat are huge right now.
What are a few examples of what chatbots can do?
Kelly and the rest of her family had been recovering from the flu during these past days. However, this minor setback didn’t prevent her from making huge accomplishments.
With the help of the bots she built, Kelly was able to facilitate the registration of her events, the sale of her tickets, check-in of her events, and she even signed up 28 speakers in less than 24 hours!
She was also able to gather information from these speakers in such a short time. The speakers’ titles, descriptions, and every other information that she needed for her event are all accessible to her.
Sounds like, Kelly learned how to clone herself using her bots!
Kelly also mentioned that messenger bots could also be used to boost engagement and reach. So basically, Messenger bots’ capabilities are limitless - depending on how far your imagination will take you.
RELATED: Messenger Bot Mastery with Kelly Noble Mirabella
What is the first type of chatbot that you’d recommend that a local business should do?
For a local business, Kelly recommends installing the following essential functions on Messenger:
A welcome-to-my-messenger bot
A couple of buttons that would connect to the human and effectively notifies the admin
Some information, like business hours and list of services and products offered by that business.
These basic functions are all free.
Related: Bots Means Business
How long does it usually take to build a bot?
The time it takes to build a bot depends on two things: (1) who’s making it, and (2) what it is it that they’re building.
Basically, what would take some beginners and intermediates days to work on might only be a few hours for an expert like Kelly.
“They can be very complicated. They can be very easy. The more you do it, the easier it gets just like anything else,” says Kelly.
Do people sell ManyChat templates for bots?
Manychat templates are saleable, and there have been people who are already making profits from making them.
However for Kelly, selling Manychat templates isn’t her thing. She sees herself more as an educator, and she enjoys teaching better than selling templates.
She thinks that templates are a good jumping-off point. And while templates make it extra easy for users to create bots, Kelly highly recommends learning the basics of bot-building first.
“Even if you get a template, a lot of times, you need to be able to manipulate it to make it your own,” says Kelly.
Just in case people want to start playing with templates, they can grab the free ones from the Manychat website. Kelly even has some - which anyone could readily download from her YouTube channel.
“Even if you grab a chat bot template, you need to be able to manipulate it to make it your own.”
How can we add videos in chatbots effectively?
Adding videos to chatbot messages is possible. However, large files, such as videos, are going to slow down the chatbot significantly. As a result, it could hurt the user experience.
Kelly recommends keeping the video small - not more than 20mb. If that’s not possible, she suggests hosting the video someplace else. Instead of uploading the video, marketers can put GIFs and images with a CTA in the chatbot messages instead.
How do you get the link to the Facebook Live?
Facebook Live, when scheduled, will generate a timestamp. After this, it will generate a long link. You don’t need to grab the link’s entirety. You only need the post number sequence.
Related: How to Avoid a Broken Scheduled Facebook Live Link
What should you do if you send out the Facebook Live schedule at the wrong time?
Kelly admitted that she made this mistake at least once. However, she doesn’t see it as a big problem - only a minor setback.
“People are so forgiving if you’re nice, and you’re human. Your chatbot can be a human,” says Kelly.
Just in case this happens to you, she suggests sending a similar message: “I am so sorry that went out a little too early. We were excited to go live.”
Have you ever had someone who said that they don’t see the register button in the chat?
Kelly thinks that these glitches are happening because there are bugs all over the messenger platform. It’s a relatively new platform, and Facebook is doing a lot of updates right now.
Kelly recommends monitoring what people are saying. If they complain about not seeing a button, send them a link or instruct them to use that little button in Manychat.
“Sometimes, you just have to roll with it,” Kelly added.
“If you want to be an early adopter, you have to be cool. Just roll with it.”
Can you talk a little more about the ManyChat Growth Tools?
There are lots of growth tools anyone could use. For one, there’s the Comment Growth Tool, which Kelly used for this show.
As soon as viewers typed ‘bgb’ in the comment section, they received a reward for doing so, and they got to unlock some features, too.
Once the users are in the sequence, they are subscribed to a viral loop. It’s a win-win for both parties - commenters get rewarded, and publishers get to have more engagement.
In fact, by using Kelly’s Facebook Live and Chat Bot Strategy, we had 11x more shares than what we usually get on Lights, Camera, Live!
Related: How to set up your first Manychat Text Message Broadcast
How do you come up with chatbot flow that maintains that ‘wow’ factor?
Kelly doesn’t do live shows, but she publishes new videos to her Baby Got Bot YouTube channel every week. However, the strategies involved in creating and planning for pre-recorded video content are similar to that of live shows.
Kelly gets her ideas from Facebook groups, especially that of Manychat, where she could get a lot of questions. She sets aside boards for ideas - one for development, one for editing, and one for entries that are good for posting.
What’s impressive is that Kelly has a bot in place that gathers questions asked in the groups and automatically adds them to a spreadsheet. So basically, she has an unlimited list of topics that she could always go back to whenever she needs ideas.
How can we make chatbots less annoying?
“Be like fireworks every time,” Kelly pointed out.
The strategy is almost the same for most marketing platforms. If someone registers, as a marketer, it’s your job to give them the bare bones of what it’s all about. You may want to switch it up a bit to provide the sequence a different feel. That way, people will not perceive the whole chat strategy as annoying.
Do you teach how to use API with chat bots?
Kelly made it clear that she’s not a coder by any means. Hence, she couldn’t share some insights on bot creation with the help of API. However, anybody might want to try asking API-related questions in the Baby Got Bot Facebook page, and hopefully, somebody would be able to answer the questions related to API.
Any tips when doing chat marketing?
Kelly recommends the following:
Never rely on Facebook notifications. Whether you’re inviting them from Facebook or even from email, always ask your prospects to register via Messenger.
Make sure that your users are registered and tagged before you send them broadcasts.
Make your messages fun and sound like a human as much as possible. Personalize your message with emojis, images, and GIFs.
Boost your engagement by using Unlock features.
Provide your users with that ‘wow’ experience. You don’t want to build an annoying bot.
Always set the expectations. According to Kelly, that little shift in setting the right expectations will help you convert your customers and fans into super-raving fans.
“Setting the right expectations will help you convert your customers and fans into super-raving fans.”
More questions?
If you have more questions for Kelly, feel free to join her Baby Got Bot Facebook Group (it’s FREE!)
Plus, want to get your hands on Kelly’s super effective Baby Got Bot Engagement Strategy for Facebook Live?
Click the image below to view the replay and comment ‘bgb’ to trigger the freebie in Messenger.
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