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From Paid Events to Live Shopping & More, Learn Why Facebook is Poised to Dominate ECommerce in 2021

Just when you think you know everything there is to know about social media, Facebook launches—yet again—shiny new features. 


  • Paid Online Events

  • Livestreaming to Events

  • Live Shopping

With over 2.5 billion active users worldwide, Facebook is one of the most effective social media networks on the planet. 

And get this: it’s also positioned to dominate Ecommerce down the road.

If you want to explore new opportunities and possibilities so you can drive more of those coveted leads and sales this year, you’re in for a treat! 

Facebook and livestreaming expert, Stephanie Liu, will walk us through the freshest and most exciting changes Facebook has made in the last few months.

And here’s more: you’ll also learn insider tips, tricks, and hacks so you can position your brand to dominate your niche in Facebook this year. 

Ready to take your Ecommerce game to an entirely different level this year?

Midwest Digital Marketing Conference 2021

April 26-29, 2021

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